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  1. mdh

    Reporters walk out on PM

    So far it's not having any impact on the polls - quite the opposite it seems.  I think this is a classic example of "inside baseball" which the public really doesn't care about.  (if anything it might make Harper even more popular).  It's amusing to see the Great Guardians of Journalistic...
  2. mdh

    Weekend IAP/BOTP for ResF starting in Sept?

    CdnTrucker, Were there many guys who were doing the "installment plan" version of CAP, say at two weeks at a time? I'm in the same position as having to attend CAP, but I have a pretty demanding civilian career that doesn't allow huge chunks of time off...
  3. mdh

    Highlander headdress

    We lowlanders understand all too well  8)
  4. mdh

    Phase 4/DP 1.2 Inf. Offr

    CdnTrucker The short answer?: tough, very tough, but not impossible (at least here in the Western Canada reserve world).  We have had one guy go on Phase 4, but it practically required a papal bull to get it done. You will probably have to get some one with pull to go to bat for you and get the...
  5. mdh

    'MBA types' hurt military, commander says

    I always avoid "lengthy interviews" - they always turn out badly in my experience (and make sure they're taped).  :salute: cheers, mdh
  6. mdh

    Da Vinci Code movie

    I'm not sure about anarchy; that would require a febrile energy that most of the West can barely muster. If you look at Eurosecularism and its attendant values, it appears to have created a culture of self-referential decadence and malaise.  The end-end result? Declining birth rates which...
  7. mdh

    OCdt in weekend BMQ (reserves) ?

    Welcome to the mysteries of militia training; you'll hear many things as you progress...it's more like a codex then a program... think Da Vinci Code in green...cheers, mdh  ;)
  8. mdh

    OCdt in weekend BMQ (reserves) ?

    WT Not sure where you are but I've never heard of a weekend BMQ being run out of St. Jean; typically each reserve brigade will run a BMQ course in their own area often based in an armoury (could be a regional thing in Quebec but again I've never heard of it).  In 32 Brigade (mostly south...
  9. mdh

    1st Wing or First Aviation Regiment

    Great discussion, Isn't it also matter of military culture between the two services? (And beyond the discussions of organization above, perhaps the crux of the matter?) The Air Force and its RCAF antecedent was fixated on the strategic priorities of the Cold War, its NORAD and NATO...
  10. mdh

    Weekend IAP/BOTP for ResF starting in Sept?

    Exactly. You'll be taking weekend BMQ with the rest of the NCM recruits and then doing the IAP as the leadership portion of the course (which is about one week, at least out west). CAP (Common Army Phase) is considered to be a more comprehensive leadership course for reserve army officers.
  11. mdh

    AFOBC.. no more?

    Hey it's a hobby, okay?  8)
  12. mdh

    Summer BMQ in Borden

    Think there might be some confusion here about the army reserve BMQ which is 4 weeks (20 days) as opposed to the navy reserve and air reserve BMQs which are longer (8 weeks as noted above).
  13. mdh

    AFOBC.. no more?

      ;) Thanks NFLD Sapper, as an air force fan I like to keep up with the lingo, cheers
  14. mdh

    AFOBC.. no more?

    Translation?  ??? cheers, mdh
  15. mdh

    The best course of action to remuster as a SARtech?

    Hate to be the bearer of bad news - Pioneers are long gone.  :-[
  16. mdh

    Subscription Challenge

    Mike Wha's the deal on renewals? I assume that we are given notice when it's time to renew? cheers, mdh
  17. mdh

    "So You Want To Be A Pilot" Merged Thread 2002 - 2018

    Because the Air Reserve has changed dramatically since General Rohmer was a member. I'll let my air force bretheren provide more detail but the Air Reserve used to be a much larger organization than it is today. (At one time the RCAF operated Mustangs out of London as an auxiliary reserve...
  18. mdh

    Army Expansion Versus The "Exodus of Experience" - Do We Have A Problem?

    Duey Has the pilot shortage been stemmed by the current recruiting campaign or are there still a lot of pilots leaving? And if you don't mind me asking where do they go in civvy life? I can imagine the multi-engine guys are good to go for airlines but choppers aren't the easiet fit for Air...
  19. mdh

    Aerospace Control Officers-AEC [merged]

    Kool video - where do I sign up?  ;D cheers, mdh