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  1. mdh


    Not that i'm an expert but I imagine without air there would be a kind of preservation - if it's inside some sort of capsule the cold and the vacuum effect of space would probably work.
  2. mdh

    CEOTP (Continuing Ed Officer Trg Plan) 2003-2018 [Merged]

    Kincanucks Wonder if you had any sense in what's behind the restoration of this program? Has there been a shortage of University grads going DEO - or is this just a way to open up the talent pool? cheers, mdh
  3. mdh

    Military Spin Doctors tout Task Force Exploits

    I won't comment on Scott's contention that CP was deliberately manipulated by Defence - but I do wonder about the policy of keeping JTF2 operations under near cabalistic secrecy - I just finished reading the excellent piece on US Special Forces in Afghanistan in the Atlantic Monthly Magazine...
  4. mdh

    Average Education?

    Well I think the first clue to this individual's true intellectual capacity is the sophomoric play on "slimy" har har (with apologies to the relentlessly fair Slim). IIRC the Toronto Sun columnist George Jonas once observed that thousands of so-called "intellectual" university students were...
  5. mdh

    The Oka Crisis

    The infamous Lasagna - aka Ronald Cross - passsed away in 1999
  6. mdh

    How did Militia training evolve?

    Ex-grunt, All I mean by movement is that the militia has been the one Canadian military institution that has a recognizable presence in communities across Canada  - if you add up the number of people who have served with the army reserve since the end of WW2 the number would be staggering; I'm...
  7. mdh

    How did Militia training evolve?

    I think a partial answer lies in the historical notion that that the militia is supposed to be a force of part-time citizen soldiers that represent a cross-section of Canadian society.   In one sense the militia is as much a movement as a military force - a kind of repository of military...
  8. mdh

    The Oka Crisis

    Old Sweat, Interesting points - I seem to recall though that the CF had a pretty good spokesperson at Oka at the time - IIRC his name was Major J.P. Macdonald. cheers, mdh
  9. mdh

    CF in Somalia

    Try getting a copy of David Bercuson's book Significant Incident - it provides a good starting point, that might help - and it's Belet Huen by the way. You can also access the Somalia Inquiry documents on online through the CF public website or go the CBC on-line archives for its coverage...
  10. mdh

    To be Officer or not to be

    Zarathustra, Is waiting a few more months really going to make that much difference? I assume you have resolved your medical issue? If not you will still face the issue of high blood pressure whether NCM or officer.  Moreover you might find that switching streams might entail a further delay in...
  11. mdh

    Fighting & Winning The Global War on Terror (WW IV)

    Qutb has been one of the most influential theorists of modern Islam in the 20th century. But I think it's more accurate to say he rejected secular nationalism - (mostly of the Baathist variety) - and advocated for a kind of theocratic nationalism or pan-nationalism in its place   - or if you...
  12. mdh

    British MP: Canada complicit in Iraq war

    Public affairs is akin to the weather - everybody has an opinion about it and no one is ever satisfied. That's especially true in the military which -- as Paracowboy pointed out is a "sub-culture" -- and as such stands in exact constrast to every single journalistic ideal: reporters are...
  13. mdh

    British MP: Canada complicit in Iraq war

    Well, what can I say - if you want to champion George Galloway as one of your own - knock yourself out.
  14. mdh

    British MP: Canada complicit in Iraq war

    He was punted out of the Labour Party for what was widely perceived as incitement against coalition forces.
  15. mdh

    British MP: Canada complicit in Iraq war

    If you've read them then it's time to withdraw this - he has in fact supported Hussein in the past and is now consorting with Assad in Syria praising insurgent operations against the US. mdh
  16. mdh

    British MP: Canada complicit in Iraq war

    If you want to see what George Galloway has actually said about Saddam and his recent buddy Assad try this link: http://hitchensweb.com/GallowayLeafletFINAL.pdf I think you'll find it - - instructive. mdh
  17. mdh

    Hitchens defends the war in Iraq

    Cdn Blackshirt - not sure if you watched the whole New York debate but I agree with you - it was a classic affair - Galloway is a pretty impressive speaker (too much the evangelical style windbag for my liking but impressive nonethless) and Hitchens stayed true to form as the rationale...
  18. mdh

    Reservists on Tour - selfish.

    Just as a point of comparison: the UK's Territorial Army is facing similar issues.  The war in Iraq has created a huge strain on the British regs to the point where some 30 per cent of its deployed forces are drawn from the TA.  The British government can force a TA to deploy once every three...
  19. mdh

    From Pte to General, has it ever been done???

    Think the American General Stilwell started as a private and achieved high command in China during World War 2, cheers, mdh
  20. mdh


    Che How did you fare over in the UK? Last I recall you were trying to get on with the Marines, yes? cheers, mdh  :D