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  1. G

    Are Submarines a required capability in a modern Navy??

    Our submarines are currently not even capable of firing the torpedoes we have. British subs, and British fire control systems won't work with American torpedoes.
  2. G

    'Say Please' at US Border Nets Pepper Spay

    He'd be even more likely to win in that case, the US courts are notorious for frivolous lawsuits. You can sue anyone for anything there, thats why they have so many law schools. In any case, it was still not a smart thing for him to do.
  3. G

    'Say Please' at US Border Nets Pepper Spay

    Any court in this country, civil court cases are decided by a judge, not a jury, so it is not required to establish your case "beyond reasonable doubt," if you can convince a judge that your case has merit, and the law is on your side, the judge can decide for himself. He could win if he sued...
  4. G

    'Say Please' at US Border Nets Pepper Spay

    I never said what he did was smart, or that he should have disobeyed orders from a law enforcement officer. All I was getting at was that in most situations pepper spray could be considered excessive use of force. Maybe it was maybe it wasn't in this case, I don't know. But it's his right to...
  5. G

    'Say Please' at US Border Nets Pepper Spay

    The funny thing about this is that he could sue over this, and if he did he would probably win. In civil court it would be a fairly straightforward case to make, as pepper spray is almost always  argued to be an excessive use of force, same thing with tasers.
  6. G

    Forces.ca ballcap

    I got one from my recruiter, they'd probably give you one if you asked them nicely.
  7. G

    WHEN IS the next Naval Officer Assessment Board (NOAB) ?

    Uh oh, I thought it would be later than that, this is no good. My convocation is on the 27th of May  :-\
  8. G

    Are Submarines a required capability in a modern Navy??

    Military vessels are inherently expensive, because they must fulfill so many requirements, and submarines even more so, add to that there are very few places that can build them, and they are very expensive to maintain, you have a big problem from the taxpayers point of view. I would think they...
  9. G

    Interview advice (merged)

    I think in my interview the Captain actually prefaced the question with "yes or no?" That being the case, I'm not sure they would be concerned if you said something else, they just want to know whether or not you would be a contentious objector, although it probably wouldn't help you if you say...
  10. G

    I cant seem to figure out the right career path for myself. advice???

    Have you tried the Virtual Advisor on the Forces.ca website? Perhaps it would be useful to you, perhaps not, but it only takes a few minutes, couldn't hurt right?
  11. G

    Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

    Yep, that was my suspicion from the beginning, that Daniel was her father, and somehow his memories or whatnot got passed on to her. Then when he disappeared, that was because John killed him, not because he wanted to leave. That was crazy that it was in her head the whole time though... I...
  12. G

    Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

    Well, that was a mindfrack... Kara's story, not surprising, Boomer's... just wow...
  13. G

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    ***UPDATE*** Recruiting Center: CFRC Halifax Regular/Reserves: Regular Officer/NCM: Officer (DEO) Trade Choice 1: Marine Systems Engineering Trade Choice 2: - Trade Choice 3: - First Contact: Jan 26, 2009 Application Date: Feb 23, 2009 CFAT: Previously Completed (2002) Medical: Completed Feb 26...
  14. G

    Please Help - Need some advice

    This thread makes me want to post the "Picard Facepalm" poster... lol
  15. G

    Running Question

    You can definitely run everyday without any ill effects, as long as you don't run so hard you hurt your muscles, ie shin splits or anything like that.
  16. G

    Running Question

    I also read the most efficient way to train is to do both strength training and cardio training everyday, just do different muscle groups each day so that you don't strain anything.
  17. G

    Ship's Boarding Party [Merged]

    Sorry to double post, but FSTO posted while I was typing my previous. You guys talking about being to busy to take on extra responsibilities, as an MSE or CSE. Is that always the case, or just when you are in training, ie before you pass your boards and get promoted to Lt.(N)?
  18. G

    Ship's Boarding Party [Merged]

    I don't think he was trying to be impatient, just trying to get back on topic after my pestering him. He probably just gets tired of me asking him so many questions, at school, on msn, and now here too. So if anything its my fault, and I'll try not to interject so much.
  19. G

    Ship's Boarding Party [Merged]

    Good to hear you are staying navy, hopefully I'll see you in Esquimalt this summer!
  20. G

    Ship's Boarding Party [Merged]

    Or you could join the Army :P Hehe, just kidding, I wouldn't mind knowing this myself. Future MSE (hopefully) here.