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Ship's Boarding Party [Merged]

MedTech said:
sorry but what are D levels?

Director Level Course

MARS Career Progression

BWK- Bridge Watch Keeping
D Level: Several Choices
      Above Water Warfare
      Sub Surface Warfare
      Shipboard Aircraft Controller
      Information Management Director

Post D Level
      Deck Officer
      CCISO (the old Communications Officer)

Operations Room Officer
Executive Officer
Commanding Officer
Politics  ;D
MedTech said:
AH! Thanks FTSO! Is BWK phase 3 MARS?

No, you get your BWK when you have proven to your Commanding Officer that you are competent to have charge of the ship (day or night) of a Frigate, Destroyer or AOR. This happens after you have graduated from Venture and have been posted to a ship. Once you get your BWK and sit your board you are supposed to have a minimum of 6 months consolidation time before you go on to your director level course. 
Submariner and Clearance diver are the other 2 D-Levels...

You do up to phase IV at Venture.

This is the Reg Force progression, Reserves is slightly different in that Navigator is the only really applicable D level for the reserves. Not too much need for a SAC or the others on a Kingston Class.
I've just been reading through the form on the Naval Boarding Party.  I am relatively new to the CF going on two years, and have a couple questions regarding the NBP.

1)  I see mentioned quite often that the NBPO is usually a MARS officer, but it is ultimately up to the CO.  In peoples experiences, how often do Engineering Officers get the position?  I am a CSE (in training) and would love to be involved with the NBP.

2)  How far along in ones career/training can one (an Officer) apply for the boarding party? As well, how long, how often and where does the course take place?

and lastly, 3)  could someone possibly, someone with experience as a NBPO, give a little brief of the roles and responsibilities of an officer on the NBP?

Or you could join the Army :P

Hehe, just kidding, I wouldn't mind knowing this myself. Future MSE (hopefully) here.
thanks chris, but that doesn't help much with my questions.
thought crossed my mind, but I think I'm staying navy.
Good to hear you are staying navy, hopefully I'll see you in Esquimalt this summer!
Likewise, but could someone please respond with potential answers to my questions?

Thank you,

I've just been reading through the form on the Naval Boarding Party.  I am relatively new to the CF going on two years, and have a couple questions regarding the NBP.

1)  I see mentioned quite often that the NBPO is usually a MARS officer, but it is ultimately up to the CO.  In peoples experiences, how often do Engineering Officers get the position?  I am a CSE (in training) and would love to be involved with the NBP.

2)  How far along in ones career/training can one (an Officer) apply for the boarding party? As well, how long, how often and where does the course take place?

and lastly, 3)  could someone possibly, someone with experience as a NBPO, give a little brief of the roles and responsibilities of an officer on the NBP?

One of the big reasons why they prefer MARS officers to have the position is most have BWK experience and if they have to, would be able to bring the ship they boarded and subsequenty arrested into port.
ahh, that makes sense, but it is still possible to be on the boarding party as an engineering officer is it not?

thanks for the response.
I have seen CSE officers on the teams (not a lot but a couple), not sure of MSE Officers though. As a baby EO though would you not have a lot already on your plate?
ncs_eng 081 said:
but could someone please respond with potential answers to my questions?

You know, if someone has the answer you are looking for, they will eventualy post it if they so desire. You asking over and over for an answer isnt going to speed up the process. People here try to help but we usualy have full-time jobs and things to do so we'll get to you when we get to you.
There are two officer positions on a ships NBP, A1 who is overall in charge and A3 the witnessing officer (check documents, takes photos, interviews members of the crew - basic intel gathering). The CO usually likes to have one of the officers a MARS and the ultimate decision is his. If you get on the team and you are not MARS, you will likely end up as the A3. But don't be surprised if both the A1 and A2 are non-MARS it may be that there are not enough MARS officers for the OOW rotation or there are a plethora of CSE and MSE types getting their quals and the CO will draw from that pool. But as Ex-D says your engineering qual plate may already be too full for other extracurricular activities.

CDN Aviator said:
You know, if someone has the answer you are looking for, they will eventualy post it if they so desire. You asking over and over for an answer isnt going to speed up the process. People here try to help but we usualy have full-time jobs and things to do so we'll get to you when we get to you.

I don't think he was trying to be impatient, just trying to get back on topic after my pestering him. He probably just gets tired of me asking him so many questions, at school, on msn, and now here too. So if anything its my fault, and I'll try not to interject so much.
Sorry to double post, but FSTO posted while I was typing my previous.

You guys talking about being to busy to take on extra responsibilities, as an MSE or CSE. Is that always the case, or just when you are in training, ie before you pass your boards and get promoted to Lt.(N)?
As a MSE or CSE under training you have to get all of your engineering drawings done (much more extensive than the chicken scratch I had to do as a MARS under training) then there is your OOD board, AHOD responsibilities and then stuyding for your HOD board. Once your a HOD (Head of Department) you are far too busy and valuable to be running around acting like Hal Lawrence.
Thank you for the responses.

I am also curious as to the answer of the question posed by Galahad.

I have meet a few Junior CSE's who have taken part on the boarding party.  As well, a Lt(N) I had while on BOTP was a MSE who spent time as a some sort of NBPO during his time on the west coast.  With all this being the case, the processes to how the NBP is selected and how it works is new to me, and that is why I pose so many questions. 

Also, as Galahad pointed out, I was not trying to be impatient, I was trying to get the form back on topic, I did not one someone coming on and seeing it all side tracked and advoid the points on hand.
I'm curious if anybody knows what is required to be a NBP instructor?  Is there an instructors course available? Or just having taken the course is considered enough?

Edit: For grammar