I don't know if it's a "east v west" party thing.
But, I agree with the article below.
Pierre Poilievre has been starting political fires all across the country over the last year, columnist Max Fawcett writes.
Spin, spin, spin.
Throwing some critical thought at Fawcett’s parroting of the Trudeupian take on the infamous pre-Christmas Angus Reid poll, one could assess how bad, or not at all, Poilièvre truly is.
Let’s look at Fawcett’s view of PP as stated in his article:
Canadians seem to be taking notice. The most
recent Angus Reid Institute poll showed more than half of Canadians (54 per cent) have a negative view of Poilievre, while only one-in-three like what he’s offering. “These levels of unfavourable sentiment are much higher than those of previous leaders Andrew Scheer, Erin O’Toole, and Stephen Harper at the beginning of their own leadership ventures.”
Do Canadians hold such a disparate view of Poilièvre relative to Trudeau? From Fawcett’s words, one would think so.
As critical thinkers, why don’t we take a look at the data in the poll that Fawcett quotes…
‘Over half’ have an unfavorable view of Poilièvre.
38% v.unfav + 15% unfav = 53% overall unfav. Okay, that math checks out (well, Fawcett can’t add, it’s 53% not 54%, but he’s not a mathematician I suppose; I’m willing to cut him some slack to see where he’s going with things).
Just taking a quick moment to check out Trudeau’s numbers…
36% v.unfav + 17% unfav = 53% overall unfav.

…that’s strange, I must have missed the sentence in Fawcett’s article where he noted that Trudeau had the exact same “more than half of Canadians view him unfavorably” as Poilièvre…53%. Funny that. Let’s keep thinking critically…
Favourable. …”only one-in-three like what [Poilièvre] is offering.” 17% + 16% = 33%. Okay, I’ll buy that.
Quick check at Trudeau’s numbers…33% + 9% = 42%. Oh, so only slightly more than four-in-ten people like what Trudeau’s doing? Rewording Poilièvre’s approval to slightly more than three-in-ten Canadians. That’s only one more per ten people for Trudeau than Poilièvre….or just 10% more popular (9% to be precise) than Poilièvre.
Heck, it appears by the numbers that more people disapprove of Trudeau, than approve. I must have also missed that part of Fawcett’s article as well.
So in unbiased language, Poilièvre and Trudeau have identical unfavourable views by Canadians (53%). Both are also viewed more unfavourably by Canadians than favourably.
Where were we again? Oh right, Poilièvre bad. I mean, not as bad as Harper…clearly, but still bad.