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  1. FascistLibertarian

    Rights of US and Canada to critize each other

    Hey all first - As the mods closed the other thread this thread is not going to deal at all with homosexuality in the military as I dont think there needs to be more debate about that right now. This is in regards to S_Baker's comment I have to say I disagree, Canada and America are friends...
  2. FascistLibertarian

    Gays in U.S. military (merged)

    They would care if they understood how much it costs their country in terms of trained people and money. Not even including people who just dont sign up. esp at a time like this when every person would be useful to the war effort.
  3. FascistLibertarian

    Gays in U.S. military (merged)

    SB I agree with you 100%. As long as the US military has no problem at a group or individual level with interacting with LGBTQ soldiers in the CF, then it is there bussiness. If the Americans had problems with serving with/under/over (no pun intended) a LGBTQ individual in the CF then it would...
  4. FascistLibertarian

    Gays in U.S. military (merged)

    There are clear reasons why a nudist could not function in the military. Besides the fact that it is easy to choose if one wants to be a nudist or not and that the nudist population is nowhere near the LGBTQ population. What reason is there that an LGBTQ individual could not serve their country...
  5. FascistLibertarian

    Why are you proud of Canada?

    I am proud that this is the least racist country I have ever visited. I am proud of this countries history and what my family has done for this country. I am proud that we are such a large and diverse country with so many amazing places to visit and live. I am proud that Canada is respected all...
  6. FascistLibertarian

    Seeking quotation fm WWI or II, re being prom to a high rank at a young age

    One of my fav. quotes, I dont know if its meets your criteria but I really like it. Col. Charles Merritt commenting on Dieppe (where he won the VC and still had a bridge named after him). "We were very glad to go, we were delighted." "We were up against a very difficult situation, and we didn't...
  7. FascistLibertarian

    Is it time to get totalitarian?

    What about all the people who dont want to seperate in Quebec? The people in Montreal, the Anglophones in the Eastern Townships, the Natives in the north, the Frenchspeakers who love this country? They are just SOL? Why shouldnt the eastern townships be able to start their own country inside of...
  8. FascistLibertarian

    Gays in U.S. military (merged)

    I agree people should follow the rules, esp in the military of course, I just feel there should be equal rules not special rules. As it stands not there are special rules for straight members of the US military. I fail to see how this is any different than former racist and sexist policies which...
  9. FascistLibertarian

    Views on blackwater?

    Okay First I have no agenda. As I stated before I have just read a few things about blackwater. I am intrested, there seems to be positive and negative things about it. I am not trying to be a troll. My view is that from a money standpoint blackwater costs a lot, but this is not there fault...
  10. FascistLibertarian

    Gays in U.S. military (merged)

    check out this PDF report for a view on the $ the policy costs Financial Analysis of Don't Ask, Don't Tell: How Much Does the Gay Ban Cost? http://www.palmcenter.org/files/active/0/2006-FebBlueRibbonFinalRpt.pdf (not to mention experince when it is needed) This policy is so shortsighted in my...
  11. FascistLibertarian

    Views on blackwater?

    Hi all I was just wondering what your thoughts were on blackwater in paticular and the outsourcing of war (in blackwaters case mostly in Iraq) in general? I dont really know enough (a few mag articles and online news and wikipedia) to make an informed statement. cheers FL
  12. FascistLibertarian

    Recommended news coverage Sources?

    I agree with almost all of the suggestions. From a different perspective. http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/55ABE840-AC30-41D2-BDC9-06BBE2A36665.htm http://www.dailystar.com.lb/
  13. FascistLibertarian

    Confessions from the combat zone

    Its always good to have a few right wing reporters at papers like the star and some left wing people at say the national post. I do respect her and like her writing, although she can be a tad outspoken. ;)
  14. FascistLibertarian

    Bystanders watch as 91 year old American vet beaten

    It is horrible :(  >:( I am afriad when my grandmother (in her late 80's) goes to the mall etc, I know she wants to be independent but the thought of what would happen if someone punk pushed her over to get her purse scares me. I think our society could take a page from the orient and show more...
  15. FascistLibertarian

    Hamas "MICKEY MOUSE"?????

    I do not at all wish to justify what they are doing and this is just a comment. In ww2 both disney and warner brothers made cartoons supporting the US war effort, some of the ones for Japan are very racist by todays standards (i think you can find some of the WB ones on YoutTube, not sure about...
  16. FascistLibertarian

    When mass killers meet armed resistance.

    would not most of them have rifles stored in their cars locked up? Just saying, that would not do much good if someone came into a school with handguns. I could be way off base here or missing the point......
  17. FascistLibertarian

    Your Beer Brand of Choice

    Moosehead Stella is nice as well as it Keiths and Sleemans
  18. FascistLibertarian

    Is it time for Direct Democracy to make a comeback?

    Well the first legislative "house" ever was in Iraq (mesopotamia) maybe they can help us reform our demo ;)
  19. FascistLibertarian

    Is it time for Direct Democracy to make a comeback?

    Ranger I dunno about PEI having as many sens as Ontario.... The problem of course is that none of the provinces which have to many sens for their pop will agree to change the system unelss they get soemthing. If the GG was elected they would have the ability to use their power (just a thought)...
  20. FascistLibertarian

    Is it time for Direct Democracy to make a comeback?

    Canada is a much stabler country though. Countries like Germany in the 1920's and 30's or Isreal now maybe should not have PR, but Canada it might work in some way.