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Hamas "MICKEY MOUSE"?????


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Great...Now I've seen everything.  ::)  Now, we're gonna take these Hamas militants even less seriously... ::)

How can they preach a message of hatred to children like this without any shame???

It's appalling how ingrained that hatred is within their culture.


Hamas 'Mickey Mouse' Preaches Militancy
Associated Press  |  May 09, 2007
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip - Hamas militants have enlisted a figure bearing a strong resemblance to Mickey Mouse to broadcast their message of Islamic domination and armed resistance to their most impressionable audience - children.
A giant black-and-white rodent - named "Farfour," or "butterfly," but unmistakably a rip-off of the Disney character - does his high-pitched preaching against the U.S. and Israel on a children's show each Friday on Al-Aqsa TV, a station run by Hamas. The militant group, sworn to Israel's destruction, shares power in the Palestinian government.

"You and I are laying the foundation for a world led by Islamists," Farfour squeaked on a recent episode of the show, which is called "Tomorrow's Pioneers."

Watch a video of Hamas 'Mickey' in action
"We will return the Islamic community to its former greatness, and liberate Jerusalem, God willing, liberate Iraq, God willing, and liberate all the countries of the Muslims invaded by the murderers."

Children call in to the show, many singing Hamas anthems about fighting Israel.

Palestinian Media Watch, an Israeli organization that monitors Palestinian media, said the Mickey Mouse lookalike takes "every opportunity to indoctrinate young viewers with teachings of Islamic supremacy, hatred of Israel and the U.S., and support of 'resistance,' the Palestinian euphemism for terror."

Israeli officials denounced the program Tuesday.

David Baker, an official in Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's office, said "there is nothing comic about inciting young generations of Palestinians to hate Israelis."

A spokeswoman from Walt Disney Co.'s headquarters in Burbank, Calif., did not immediately return messages asking for comment about the use of the Disney-like character.

Yehia Moussa, a Hamas leader in the movement's Gaza Strip base, denied inciting children against Jews. "Our problem is not with the Jews. Our problem is with the (Israeli) occupation and the occupiers," he said.

The television station would not comment.

A Gaza-based psychologist said the program proved that the culture of glorifying violence had penetrated mainstream society in the Palestinian territories, where dreams of Islamic dominion and animosity toward the U.S. and Israel are widespread.

"It's the fault of both (Israel and the Palestinians)," said Samir Zakkout, of the Gaza Community Mental Health Program. "There's been a collapse of values. If I can kill my enemy, I can kill my brother."

The program is opposed by the Palestinian Broadcasting Corp., which is controlled by Hamas' political rival - the Fatah movement of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

"I don't think it's professional or even humane to use children in such harsh political programs," said Basem Abu Sumaya, head of the Palestinian Broadcasting Corp. "Children's nationalist spirit must be developed differently."

Hamas loyalists launched the Al Aqsa satellite channel last year. Bearded young men read the news and Islamic music is layered over footage of masked militants firing rockets into Israel. The channel also broadcasts talk shows, programs about the disabled and cartoons.

In addition, Hamas loyalists run at least five news Web sites, one newspaper - launched just last week - and a radio station.
I do not at all wish to justify what they are doing and this is just a comment.
In ww2 both disney and warner brothers made cartoons supporting the US war effort, some of the ones for Japan are very racist by todays standards (i think you can find some of the WB ones on YoutTube, not sure about the disney ones, theres a good one of donald jumping into Japanese turf).
When we do it we call it "education" when they do it we call it "propaganda"
but yeah its total bs....
I actually just watched a clip of the show in question on the news.

The show is not a cartoon. It's a staged set, with one person dressed up in a costume that certainly does bear a striking resemblance to Mickey Mouse. Off to this guys left is a young girl who looks to be about 8 or 9 sitting at a news-anchor like desk.

The two of them go back and forth with the drivel, he 'preaching,' her announcing. Kids call into the desk etc and their calls are broadcast.

Pretty sad really, a bunch of adults having their children preach their hatred on their behalf.
I read the article at work tonight, on my lunch break in the Newspaper. It's really sickening, that they are using the Mickey Mouse costume (or any other character for that matter) to get the children's attention, and then breed hate. It truly made my heart break when I read it, and yes not such a good feeling in my stomach. As I have a little one of my own, and thinking there are children her age being taught such aweful hatred... "sigh" but it's real. Unfortunately, this is just one example, of how they raise thier next "generation" to harm and to hate. They start instilling it into the children, when they are young and impressionable.

Information Minister Mustafa Barghouti has announced that the program has been pulled off the air. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18580878/?GT1=9951
niner domestic said:
Information Minister Mustafa Barghouti has announced that the program has been pulled off the air. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18580878/?GT1=9951

... and it's back (with video): http://littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog/?entry=25449_Video-_Death_Cult_Mickey_Still_Teaching_Islamic_Supremacism&only
I'm not sure WWII propaganda is comparable with this. Backing uncle sam was certainly a theme in the 40s, but preaching world domination, be it religious or political, was not.

(But yes, some of the stuff from back then was racist.)
Did anyone else find it funny that "Mickey" had to hold his head on the entire time?
Disney condemns Hamas Mickey Mouse
13.50 Wed May 09 2007
Keywords: Farfur, Tomorrow's Pioneers, Hamas, Mickey Mouse, Disney
The only surviving child of Walt Disney has claimed Hamas is "pure evil" for using a Mickey Mouse rip-off as a propaganda tool for hate.  "What we're dealing with here is pure evil and you can't ignore that" - Diane Disney MillerDiane Disney Miller said she was disgusted that a copy of the famous cartoon character was being used on a new Hamas TV show to encourage Palestinian children to fight against Israel and America.  Ms Miller, 73, claimed it went "against the grain of humanity", before saying: "Of course I feel personal about Mickey Mouse, but it could be Barney as well.  "It's not just Mickey, it's indoctrinating children like this, teaching them to be evil. The world loves children and this is just going against the grain of humanity."  Hamas's Al-Aqsa TV station began to show the children's series, Tomorrow's Pioneers, last month. It features a life-size lookalike of Mickey Mouse called Farfur, who sings about children arming themselves with AK-47s and aspiring for world domination "under Islamic leadership". 
Ms Miller said: "What we're dealing with here is pure evil and you can't ignore that."


Disney Mickey


Hamas Mickey

What's next, Dora the Exploder? (shamelessly plagiarizing SNL)  ::)
I get the sneaking suspicion that they won't be paying Disney any royalties for using their character....

Personally, I found that clip to be more amusing than threatening.  Like we're entering a world of cartoon super villainy.  How do you take something like that seriously?
Bobby Rico said:
Personally, I found that clip to be more amusing than threatening.  Like we're entering a world of cartoon super villainy.  How do you take something like that seriously?

Personally, I find it hard to believe that anyone finds any sort of amusement in the preaching of death, destruction and hatred to children, by whatever form that preaching takes.

Are you serious??
What the Hamas is doing is just a form of brainwashing that merely ensures the 'next generation' will carry on a legacy of violence...

Mickey.... he's... dead :crybaby:

Hamas TV kills off Mickey Mouse double
Updated Fri. Jun. 29 2007 3:50 PM ET

Associated Press

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip -- A Mickey Mouse lookalike who preached Islamic domination on a Hamas-affiliated children's television program was beaten to death in the show's final episode Friday.

In the final skit, "Farfour" was killed by an actor posing as an Israeli official trying to buy Farfour's land. At one point, the mouse called the Israeli a "terrorist."

"Farfour was martyred while defending his land," said Sara, the teen presenter. He was killed "by the killers of children," she added.

The weekly show, featuring a giant black-and-white rodent with a high-pitched voice, had attracted worldwide attention because the character urged Palestinian children to fight Israel. It was broadcast on Hamas-affiliated Al Aqsa TV.

Station officials said Friday that Farfour was taken off the air to make room for new programs. Station manager Mohammed Bilal said he did not know what would be shown instead.

Israeli officials have denounced the program, "Tomorrow's Pioneers," as incendiary and outrageous. The program was also opposed by the state-run Palestinian Broadcasting Corp., which is controlled by Fatah, Hamas' rival.
More confirmation from another source...oh well...


EDIT: sorry it's the same article, hehe.