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  1. C

    Lost Bolt, split from Re: Gun stolen from CFB Gagetown

        When I was in the First Battalion one of the troops  dropped his C-7 bolt into the laterine  before we went home to Calgary from Pre Haiti training [ we were pulled off because we were not a french unit ] .They called out a vac truck to remove the sewage and the troop had to fish it out ...
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    bin Laden offers a truce

      Read the book ,  Ultimate Risk by Mark Nichol , ISBN 1 -4050 -0645 -5 ,  very thrilling read about the SAS experience in Afghanistan in the early stages of the war .
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    Are We Wasting Our Effort?

      Man you guys are brain washed nothing I have said is  Anti CF , if a person does not like what he is seeing and voices  an opinion it should no way be construed as Anti CF  . Individuals get severly injured in a mission that has no defined boundaries or objectives  give me a break . This is...
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    Are We Wasting Our Effort?

         Bruce   , myopia   pervades  your sentiments how are you going to kill the " Baddies " if you can not identify them ? and  porous borders will bring more to the fray . Accelerating your offensive will only exponentially compound your problems . Lets not get to over confident here sure we...
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    Are We Wasting Our Effort?

      If any of you have built on swamp  or marsh this process sounds familiar.To build on a swamp you must first fill it with gravel , drain it , compact it  and repeat this process until you obtain satisfactory compaction . Bringing Afghanistan out of the dark ages is alot like building on a...
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    Are We Wasting Our Effort?

      I never said that we should not be in Afghanistan Iam just voicing my displeasure  with the way the situation has and is  developing .
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    Are We Wasting Our Effort?

    CFL , actually I did not recieve The Governer General Citation  ,  no big deal.
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    Are We Wasting Our Effort?

     Gnplummer421 , some peoples personalities have been  changed  myself  Iam just the regular  abrasive person that I have always been . Aside all that crap the main reason I find this situation troubling  is that the general concensus is that there is no long term plan out there in the media . As...
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    Are We Wasting Our Effort?

        Okay , my prejudices or observations of the qaulity of leadership will cease . I will limit my self to questions , How do you identify the terrorists ? , What type of training did the units going there to do prepare  for operating in a mountain environment ? , How do you protect your troops...
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    Are We Wasting Our Effort?

        PBI , what do you think will be achieved in the near , mid-term and long term future ? . Instead of running down others ideas offer some solutions .  Defend the statusquoe no matter how screwed up , these IED incidents are unacceptable  if the current leadership wants to increase its numbers...
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    Will Canada respond to the Ivory Coast?

                                    Great post Enfield my sentiments exactly .
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    Are We Wasting Our Effort?

    Kevin B , obviously you have never read what I wrote  and are jumping to conclusions . At no time did I draw parallels between the Balkan wars and Afghanistan . I only stated my background  upon being asked what my experiences were . There is  no sure fire solution to Afghanistans problems...
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    Are We Wasting Our Effort?

      What I dont want to see is a prolonged deployment that see our troops static and vulnerable . It is a slippery slope when you start taking an offensive role . We will need to increasingly rely on Americans for our intelligence , our military does not have soldier translators  , this reliance...
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    Are We Wasting Our Effort?

    Ghost , it is obvious that you do not listen a half as much as you speak . Let the forum know that I did at no time advocate that childern turn in hand grenades .  Being that I was in the Infantry for seven years  , twice  to Yugoslavia  [ 2 PPCLI C Coy 1993 , 1PPCLI C Coy 1994 ] , have...
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    Are We Wasting Our Effort?

        Religion is a tool used by some to manipulate the masses . Religions generally recruit followers when they are a low state in there life  , they  give them hope of a better future . Being that they are at rock bottm in there lives they are susceptable to mind control , they generally...
  16. C

    Are We Wasting Our Effort?

     A mind is like a parachute , it works better when it is open . Unfortunately if we succomb to this ideology arguement we will never solve the problem . Western nations send the message everyday to the islamic world  that the human rights of your people are not as important our standard of...
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    Are We Wasting Our Effort?

     Ghost ,take a look at the situation , Afghanistan is awash in weapons . Pay the going rate for the weapons it will have more results in less time than any other actions . Unconvential  situations demand unconvential solutions this is a radical departure from traditional military mind set . More...
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    Are We Wasting Our Effort?

      Terrorism is an act of desperation , not ideology . People only succomb to the preposturous when they are faced with no other alternatives . People that have there needs taken care and prospects for a future  do not become terrorists . This is where the war  on terror is mis guided , ...
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    Are We Wasting Our Effort?

       More  Nyalas is a start but it is treating the symptoms not the source of the problem . Has anyone thought about purchasing weapons from the combatants ? . Kind of goes against  military logic but these are desperate acts conducted by desperate people . If you give them hope and a means to...
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    Are We Wasting Our Effort?

    Iam not intolerant  of those who serve , rather Iam frustrated that our military is involved in yet another not clearly defined mission .  I think this shows the little regard the government has for the military when you place someone in a situation without giving them the proper equipment and a...