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  1. buzzcutx

    Website Launch

    Seen, Won't happen again
  2. buzzcutx

    Website Launch

    Seeing a tab that says "New" would lead one to beleive that the post was indeed new, Just offering one possible solution to the originators banner problem,
  3. buzzcutx

    CF Basic Parachutist - Q&A

    this may be off topic, I know it is a pain to get loaded on a basic para thru the Reg Force aside from putting in a memo, and waiting.... lots of waitig, When I got accepted for mine, my unit (2 Svc Bn)  wouldn't even raise my travel claim till I performed the PT test in front of a bunch of...
  4. buzzcutx

    Cadets Joining the Reserves - Can it be Both?

    Your cadet time carries over and benefits 6 months towards your pension, providing you don't get charged while serving in the Reg Force, just ask me b/c I did both... I was debating on getting into CIC while still serving Reg force full time and they wouldn't even consider it... at best all I...
  5. buzzcutx

    Supply Tech Ettiquette

    BinRat that is funny you should mention phonecalls, I can no longer answer the phone, Kitting Section Cpl Buzzcutx Sir when a female officer was on the other line, and very politely tore me a new one about how she was a Ma'am and not a Sir... this went on for about 10 minutes before I told her...
  6. buzzcutx

    Supply Tech Ettiquette

    Absolutely correct, two days on leave and I've forgotten everything...
  7. buzzcutx

    Supply Tech Ettiquette

    Any supply tech can print your docs, it is a R,CDBI01A. As for the scales, Librarian is 110% correct... entitlements in Kingston change almost daily... CFSCE will get an item on Monday, tell all their buddies, and Friday it will change and the lucky one might get to keep whatever they've...
  8. buzzcutx

    Supply Tech Ettiquette

    I actually run Kittings/Releases at Clothing in Kingston, and RMC cadets are as on the bottom rung of the ladder as anyone in the Forces in total... they get crap kit from St.Jean, they get crap from us... they are on par with CIC who has zero entitlement for field kit except for summer...