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  1. Jimmy C

    Flags of Our Towns

    I like that idea. I don't know about flying the flag at a FOB but having the three guys drape the flag on a tank shouldn't be a problem.
  2. Jimmy C

    Well well well another CTS triumph

    C Coy 3 PPCLI were issued them before they deployed to Afghanistan in Feb 07, the guys I talked to didn't mind them too much. They hardly wore them at all while they were there anyways.
  3. Jimmy C

    Well well well another CTS triumph

    By the looks of it you can put a lot of "stuff" in it, they're huge!
  4. Jimmy C

    Problems with Canadian Military I.D.?

    That was one thing I found frustrating was that the booklet was a 2007 copy so I thought that the military I.D. would have been in there. No it was not one of those laminated temporary I.D.'s it was the hard plastic one.
  5. Jimmy C

    Problems with Canadian Military I.D.?

    Yeah I thought about that but the manager was not there. However I think I will go in again tomorrow and inform him that it is a federal piece of identification.
  6. Jimmy C

    Problems with Canadian Military I.D.?

    I am on leave at the moment in Ontario and I was at The Beer Store yesterday to purchase some beer and I was asked to provide some I.D. The only piece of identification I had on me at the time was my military I.D. I handed it over to the cashier and he looked puzzled then pulled out a booklet...
  7. Jimmy C

    Where do you call home?

    Was originally born in Ontario and lived there for 21 years but now I call Alberta home.
  8. Jimmy C

    My pelvis "clicks" during crunches

    Your not the only one with this problem. I'm pretty lean 6'2" and I get the same thing when I do sit-ups or crunches, no pain at all just that annoying popping sound. Best advice as it was mentioned is to go and see a doctor.
  9. Jimmy C

    What is your military status?

    3.5 years in the infantry reserves, then I did a component transfer and recently finished battleschool, now posted to PPCLI.
  10. Jimmy C

    The Blood Pressure Superthread

    I get what the doc calls "white coat hypertension" which basically means everytime I go to the doctor to get my BP it is always higher than normal. I was hooked up to an ambulatory blood pressure monitor for 24hrs and everything was normal.
  11. Jimmy C

    Applying After Foreign Military Service

    My father was in the British Army and did a tour in NI before he came to Canada and ended up joining the Reserves.
  12. Jimmy C

    Tattoo Thread - including current policy [MERGED]

    Hahaha, the poor bugger!  :D Maybe I should get the 31 CBG crest tattooed on my arm before I go out to battleschool.
  13. Jimmy C

    Tattoo Thread - including current policy [MERGED]

    Yes, it makes me all warm and fuzzy on the inside.  :)
  14. Jimmy C

    To be a soldier

    That's what it is all about. Thank you for serving!  :salute:
  15. Jimmy C

    Tattoo Thread - including current policy [MERGED]

    Just to add to make you feel better, I came across a picture on combatcamera that shows a Lt-Col with a neck tattoo as well as one on his wrist: http://www.combatcamera.forces.gc.ca/netpub/server.np?find&catalog=photos&template=detail_e.np&field=itemid&op=matches&value=11010&site=combatcamera
  16. Jimmy C

    Does size matter in the CF trades?

    :D ArmyDave your post made me laugh re: I'm a tad bit on the tall side (6'9")   and I thought I was tall at 6'2''. Being tall is great, use it to your advantage and I am sure you will do fine. A little ribbing now and then does the body good.
  17. Jimmy C

    General Infantry Questions

    Sh0rtbUs, your points are pretty much the same ones I would have written. Just recently I received my job offer to the PPCLI and head out to Wainwright on the 30th March, although I thought for sure they would send me to RCR because of the new regiment being stood up. Whatever battallion I get...
  18. Jimmy C

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruiting Center: Hamilton, Ontario Regular/Reserve: Transfer Officer/NCM: NCM Trade Choice 1: Infantry Trade Choice 2: Trade Choice 3: Application Date: October 2005 First Contact: 28 Nov 2005 Aptitude Test Completed: By-pass Medical Test Completed : 7 Dec 2005 PT Test Completed: 7 Dec...
  19. Jimmy C

    Fast Enrollment Time

    In regulator12's case he doesn't have to write a CFAT or do BMQ, SQ, BIQ he should just be scooped up by a battalion and sent on his way. It is frustrating to see guys that are coming off of civvy street being processed faster than skilled applicants.
  20. Jimmy C

    HMCS Star

    It is located in Hamilton, it is on Lake Ontario if I remember correctly. Here is the address: 650 Catherine St. North Hamilton ON 