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Does size matter in the CF trades?

  • Thread starter Thread starter EmilyB
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ArmyDave said:
I'm a tad bit on the tall side (6'9").  It doesn't matter too much, but I was just wondering if I should expect some "special attention" (in a negative way) from my superiors, or be used to set examples.  :'(

You're height will not garner you any negative attention but by default everyone will know who you are. They will know who you are because they will become quite used to you being the right marker on parades etc, a spot normally reserved for the tallest member. Nothing wrong with that, as long as you keep your drill sharp.
ArmyDave said:
I'm a tad bit on the tall side (6'9").  It doesn't matter too much, but I was just wondering if I should expect some "special attention" (in a negative way) from my superiors, or be used to set examples.  :'(

Lets see:

- You will be the right marker on parade.
- You will be required to dust the highest points of the room.
- You will be required to be the TV antennae in the field.

So you are tall I have always learnt not to piss off anyone taller than me (6' 3") and sure you may get a little ribbing once in a while, "How is the weather up there?" but it could be worse and you could be under 5' tall.
Your biggest challenge will be to change your gait to 30 inch paces at 120 paces per minute.  I used to teach tall recruits how to do that during "Week 1" using two medium height recruits and two broomsticks.
Thanks.  I'm already the designated lightbulb changer everywhere I go, guess I have a bit more to look forward to. ;D
People will hate you if you go in front on a ruck march ;)
ArmyDave said:
I'm a tad bit on the tall side (6'9").  It doesn't matter too much, but I was just wondering if I should expect some "special attention" (in a negative way) from my superiors, or be used to set examples.  :'(


ArmyDave your post made me laugh re: I'm a tad bit on the tall side (6'9")   and I thought I was tall at 6'2''. Being tall is great, use it to your advantage and I am sure you will do fine. A little ribbing now and then does the body good.
If your fire team partner is only 5' 2", she will be constantly moaning and dripping about why the trench has to be dug an extra 18" JUST FOR YOU, and how once she gets in, she can never get out...


TCBF said:
If your fire team partner is only 5' 2", she will be constantly moaning and dripping about why the trench has to be dug an extra 18" JUST FOR YOU, and how once she gets in, she can never get out...




Works for me. ;D
TCBF said:
If your fire team partner is only 5' 2", she will be constantly moaning and dripping about why the trench has to be dug an extra 18" JUST FOR YOU, and how once she gets in, she can never get out...



Hey..I resemble that remark..  ;D
Would have been great to see you in a trench with 7 foot Schmidt from 3VP, early 90's.  :dontpanic:
My friend is almost your height. His walk is my run, his run is me running with jet boots. I hate him for it, but secretly wish I was that tall too.
"Hey..I resemble that remark.. "

- Huh?  That you in the picture?


TCBF said:
"Hey..I resemble that remark.. "

- Huh?  That you in the picture?



Haha. Nope. You basically just described me above (I'm just under 5'2") and what I would be like if I was in that situation..  ;D
Card_11 said:
Haha. Nope. You basically just described me above (I'm just under 5'2") and what I would be like if I was in that situation..  ;D

It's not my fault! ;D
Yes for God's sake man if you become trained and lead a ruck sack march please for the love of god don't take one-kilometre strides. I am five-six and hate those bas*****. PLEASE for the love of God take small strides. Thats for all you other tall buggers too.
mudeater said:
Yes for God's sake man if you become trained and lead a ruck sack march please for the love of god don't take one-kilometre strides. I am five-six and hate those bas*****. PLEASE for the love of God take small strides. Thats for all you other tall buggers too.

What's that?  Take huge steps?  Ok I'll try my best. ;D
You should join the Artillery, we need guys like you to stand between the trails and hold up the cam net  ;D
Or Sigs, and come hang the lights in the pent-house for us.
Yeah, you might not want to go armour.  I'm 6'4" and bouncing around in a turret is an "adventure" when you are tall (forget about going TOP-HIGH, turret down). 
Good luck with drill pace.  And get good at it quickly, too, since everyone who said you will be right marker is right.  At least your family might get to see you out front for the grad parade. 
Oh, BTW, tall guys always get saddled with the support weapons, so get ready to get to know your C-9 and it's delightful extra heavy ammo cannisters real quick!  And pray they have done away with the Karl G !
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