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  1. S

    Mess Kit for Sig op

    Hi, I try a search before posting this but couldn't find any info. I am currently a SigOp who's thinking about buying a messkit. And from what I understand different branch, mainly the combat arms I understand,  have some small difference in there messkit. I was wondering if anyone had a...
  2. S

    Canadian Colors... Flag or no flag in Afghanistan

    I can understand the reason why some people think there is a need to  remove foreing national flag to show support to the government of that country. But after I read the 2nd article. I fail to see why individual unit flag need to be taken down. In my opinion they are 2 different kind of flag.
  3. S

    Rangs françaises avant 1968

    Pour les officiers, le nom des grades sont-ils resté les mêmes?
  4. S

    ''Les conservateurs entendent gonfler amplement le budget de la défense''

    On dirait que tous les politiciens ont des belle idées pour les FC. Personellement j'ai hate de voir combien de ces idées vont se réalisée et combien de dollars ils vont vraiment investire.
  5. S

    Res on Reg Force Courses at CFSCE

    When you are counting the number of people wating for a course don't forget they are not all at PRETC some are on OJT in unit around the country
  6. S

    Présentation , Qui Somme nous !

    sa sa n'a pas changer, la famille peuvent venir visiter certains dimanche. Je me rappele que certain de mes amis avaient recu leurs femmes avec les enfants.
  7. S

    Res on Reg Force Courses at CFSCE

    5 in total from french and englishs speaking candidate or 5 in just one language?
  8. S

    Stuff en double ???

    Oui, mais personllement, les Caméra jettable font la job et il moin de risque de les brisées et il n'y a pas de Laptop qui risque de se faire brisé. Nous devions tous mettre nos stock privée dans la meme piece et empiler alors il y a des risques que ton portable finisse a la mauvaise place . Au...
  9. S

    Présentation , Qui Somme nous !

    Depuis presque 2 ans que je suis rentrer dans la régulière et je suis un Op Trans (215).
  10. S

    Sig Ranks

    Is there a reason Sig dosn't seem to be use a lot and most people use Pte? And I did call "artillery Master jack" master Corporal on basic I quickly learn it wasn't the right way. It was the same week I learn that black beret wasn't only reserve to naval personel :P
  11. S

    Sig Ranks

    If I ain't mistaking, when I was at CFSCE I was looking at some pictures and some of them seems to have the ranks Sig in front of there name. Is Sig an official rank name that replace the private title. Or was I dreaming when i saw the pictures?