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Search results

  1. C

    Paul Gillman seeking old friends.

    just bumping this up, hope nobody minds.......
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    remember mary-lou, anyone?? she has a question....

    hey, my mom mary-lou barbier just wants to know if anybody knows the where abouts of dave lachun ?(sp?) thankx everyone.... cheyenene (bill dobson's daughter)
  3. C

    Paul Gillman seeking old friends.

    just bumping this up..... and i do not know camen last name because i can not get a hold of roswitha..... sorry....... but i am still searching.
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    Paul Gillman seeking old friends.

    well, she wouldn't give me much info on carmen, i guess they don't get along but a couple of years ago she went to visit carmen and she was living in halifax, NS. i hope that helps a little..... i'm going to keep trying. best of luck in the search..... cheyenene
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    Paul Gillman seeking old friends.

    just bumping this up again, hopefully carmen or marcus will come across this.... paul, my aunt roswitha is coming to visit us on apr.10th, i'll sit down w her and get as much info on carmen and marcus then and i'll get back to u.....
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    Paul Gillman seeking old friends.

    just this up.......
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    Paul Gillman seeking old friends.

    hi paul, i talked to my aunt roswitha on monday and well she found all the sisters except carmen but she is still looking. as far as any news we have of carmen is that she still lives in nova scotia. i'll keep looking....... keeping my fingers crossed. chey (hopefully we find them soon)
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    just wondering......

    thankx for ur replys, mad dog and paul, i really appreciate it. chey
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    just wondering......

    hello my name is cheyenene dobson, i was just wondering if anybody had some good stories of my parents mary-lou barbier and bill dobson. everytime i ask about what germany was like, they always say that they can't remember. thankx
  10. C

    Paul Gillman seeking old friends.

    hi paul, it's me cheyenene carmens twin sisters daughter (mary-lou) sorry i lost touch w/u but i finally bought a new computer. it's kind of ironoic that i came across this site today, because a private invistagator just phoned me today about carmen's other sister roswitha was trying to find my...