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Paul Gillman seeking old friends.

Paul Gillman

Jr. Member
Reaction score
Hey. RCHA from 75-82........While in Lahr W\Germany I made a ton of friends, military and civilian. Im looking for any information on Carmen Barbier...
Also Alex MacIntosh also a Artyman from Lahr.

I was in C BTY in Lahr and Air Defence BTY in Shilo Man.

I would love to hear from you if my name rings any bells in your head.. ;D

Thanks for any info you might have.

Go Gunners!!! :salute:

Welcome to army.ca!  You were a couple of years before my time!


George Shewfelt here. I am in Ont now and still hang out with Brian Reid. He was talking to Danny Keays. Wayne Samms is around too.
I think Alex went back to CB after he got out and I will ask.
35D out
Hey George: Nice to see you're still alive and kicking. I'm amazed I remembered everyone you mentioned.. :o
Since hitting 50 the brain cells just keep pouring out of my ears.. :crybaby:
I had a son with Carmen so that is my main reason for searching for her. I really would love to connect with
him(son) and try to explain some things.

Anyway George, I appreciate any leads you can throw my way.

Take Care.

My Dad knew an Arnold McIntosh...    not sure if that's a help. I'm sure my family knows someone who knows you, Mr. Gillman.... we've all been Gunners  ;D
Arnold? No, doesn't ring a bell. My MacIntosh was definetly Alex. But I thank you for your post.

Who is your father by the way? MacFarlane rings a bell....

Take Care


Shot over,
Shot out!
hi paul, it's me cheyenene carmens twin sisters daughter (mary-lou)
sorry i lost touch w/u but i finally bought a new computer.
it's kind of ironoic that i came across this site today, because a private invistagator just phoned me today about carmen's other sister roswitha was trying to find my mom. from what he told me carmen moved back to germany, not sure where but he is going to give roswitha my phone number and once i talk to her, (some time this week she's suppose to call me) i will ask her about carmen and i'll keep u posted with any information that she is able to give me.
hope to talk to u soon
cheyenene dobson
hi paul, i talked to my aunt roswitha on monday and well she found all the sisters except carmen but she is still looking. as far as any news we have of carmen is that she still lives in nova scotia. i'll keep looking.......
keeping my fingers crossed.
(hopefully we find them soon)
Thanks Chey. Disappointing but I didn't allow myself to get my hopes too high.
I'm glad you connected with Roswitha though. I imagine your mom is very happy about that.

I wonder what last name Carmen is using? Knowing that would certainly help our search.

Ok Chey, thanks again.

just bumping this up again, hopefully carmen or marcus will come across this....
paul, my aunt roswitha is coming to visit us on apr.10th, i'll sit down w her and get as much info on carmen and marcus then and i'll get back to u.....
Chey: Thanks for bumping this up. Great to hear your Aunt Roswitha will be visiting you. Your mom must be excited as well.

I don't think she will remember me, but I did go to her house when she lived with Walter in Germany.

Anyway, I haven't given up hope of finding Carmen and Marcus..Someday....
well, she wouldn't give me much info on carmen, i guess they don't get along but a couple of years ago she went to visit carmen and she was living in halifax, NS. i hope that helps a little.....
i'm going to keep trying. best of luck in the search.....
just bumping this up..... and i do not know camen last name because i can not get a hold of roswitha.....
but i am still searching.