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  1. Kid_Recruit

    Tribute Poems

    This is just a poem I wrote for the fallen infantry, I'm not sure if anyone will like it but it's worth a shot, enjoy ;) As the blood spills The tides of war fill the tunnel of life The ones to search for the light To fight the darkness We hide our pain As our insides fill with rage The bodies...
  2. Kid_Recruit


    I was wondering if we where allowed to post poetry here?, I quite poetic and lately I have wrote quite a few and I just wanted to know if anyone would object to it?
  3. Kid_Recruit

    How is your corps Physical Fitness

    Hey, I think one of the reasons for the drop in physical fitness is because of the way its viewed. Cadets don't worry about it because all it qualifies us for is a badge. Most cadets laugh or disrespect it (well at my corp anyway) I had the best PT in my corp, 50 push ups, 50 sit ups and 9:38...
  4. Kid_Recruit


    Hey, My BMQ course was switched from Meaford to Petawawa, is anyone else going there?
  5. Kid_Recruit

    BMQ dates in Meaford this summer?

    Jerry, I talked to my Bor and they said my BMQ and SQ are both scheduled in petawawa, they might have messed up but until i get different orders that's where I'll be  :salute:
  6. Kid_Recruit

    Dead soldier's home vandalized

    That's disgusting, the cowards that have done that should pay deeply. They defaced an honourable mans home and have disrespected his life. I hope that if they go to the cemetery where he's buried and try anything the priest has a rifle to teach them a lesson with. RIP sarge  :salute:
  7. Kid_Recruit

    BMQ dates in Meaford this summer?

    Hey, I'm in the guards and our recruits are going to petawawa for both bmq and sq or so I was told, BMQ starts on June 25Th and everything is supposed to be finish on august 28Th good luck
  8. Kid_Recruit

    School marks

    Well thanks for the advice, of course i will stay in highschool but now a days the teachers mark for attendance and participation in class so I've been losing marks from that, but i will probably move on to colledge and take police foundations or sumthing that i will find exciting and hopefully...
  9. Kid_Recruit

    School marks

    Hi, I was wondering about the academic advantages in the forces, because according to my guidance councillor i have been misplaced in my academic level of work, like I work a lot faster then my class but i don't understand enough to go into the university level of work so i have to stay in...
  10. Kid_Recruit


    Governor General Foot Guards
  11. Kid_Recruit


    Jerry,   I'm doing the summer Bmq to so i' ll see you ther  :salute:
  12. Kid_Recruit

    Artillery Cadet Units

      2958 Manotic 1st Anti tank :threat: THE KID  :threat:
  13. Kid_Recruit

    Could some one please help me

    Hello, I am in cadets right now and well i have been in for about a year and i am currently in gold star training for nsce. I have really good physical fitness and I have good leadership in my corp. Well the problem I am having has to deal with someone in my corp a warrent who hates me because...
  14. Kid_Recruit

    Drill Team Practice Length

      I just wanted to congratulate all of you on keeping a strict drill team, unfortunately my corp was unable to conceive a drill team due to lack of interest and time available for practise. Keep up the good work  :salute:
  15. Kid_Recruit

    Governor General‘s Foot Guard (Ottawa)

    I am a recruit, I haven't gone on parade yet and I'm not supposed attend until after BMQ this summer. :-\
  16. Kid_Recruit

    Governor General‘s Foot Guard (Ottawa)

    Hello,     I was wondering if anyone in the guards could tell me if the guards has a boxing association, because I've boxed before and i would find it a lot more exciting if i could do both  ;) thank you.
  17. Kid_Recruit

    Afghan man faces death penalty for converting to Christianity

    well that's not me as you can plainly see. I am Sorry for the mix up :salute: :threat: THE KID  :threat:
  18. Kid_Recruit

    The Military Police [MP] Superthread

    Well, I can respect your concern for my spelling Michael. AS for the rest of you why don't you try to be a teenager with tons of adults trying to get you to do stuff their way and you know what I especially am annoyed by is the fact you would bring my age into this because age has no bearing on...
  19. Kid_Recruit

    Afghan man faces death penalty for converting to Christianity

    That is quite unfortunate, I hope he makes it out alive  :salute: :threat: THE KID  :threat:
  20. Kid_Recruit

    Can someone help me?

    Alright, Alright man i know i've bin outspoken but i'm just stating that from my personal experience in the cadets it is way to easy and my corp is not as organized as i would like it to be, of course im probably better off in the reserves but i'm gonna try to help my corp get it together there...