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Dead soldier's home vandalized

Because they are extremists. It would be a mistake to lump all "church or religious" folks together and blame them all in the same way as it is wrong to say that all Muslims are radical suicide bombers.

The majority of Spirituality/religion is a force for good in our world. We enjoy the freedoms and democracy we have today in our country because of our Christian/Judaic laws and work ethic. Unfortunately there are people out there who twist good into bad....right into wrong.

This was an appalling act which should be condemned and the perpetrators should be found and punished. The protesters should be banned and constrained from attending funerals. Let's all remember this when it happens here....we're always just a little behind whatever happens south of the border.

My prayers are with that grieving family.

Well said.

The depths never fail to surprise.

Bill banning funeral protests clears Congress

By Rick Maze
Times staff writer

Just in time for Memorial Day, Congress has passed a bill banning protests within 150 feet or 60 minutes of a military funeral on federal government property.

Aimed at stopping both anti-war protests and a Kansas-based church that has used military funerals to push an anti-gay agenda, the Respect for America’s Fallen Heroes Act is the federal equivalent of laws already passed by many states. The bill passed the House and Senate on Wednesday and is on its way to the White House.

“Vile, offensive and organized protests have taken place around this country at funerals of fallen service members,” said Rep. Steve Buyer, R-Ind., the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee chairman. The bill, he said, “will allow families to grieve for the loss of a loved one in peace.”

Buyer said he has been in discussions with the White House about the possibility of a Memorial Day signing for the bill, which has bipartisan support.

Under the bill, protests and demonstrations would be barred within 150 feet of the entry or exit from a national cemetery 60 minutes before and 60 minutes after a funeral. It covers Arlington National Cemetery or any of the other 124 national cemeteries.

Violating the law would be a Class A misdemeanor, punishable by up to one year in prison and a $100,000 fine.

The bill also recommends but does not require states to impose similar restrictions. Six states have enacted similar bans, and several others are considering restrictions. The American Civil Liberties Union has filed a lawsuit seeking to overturn the protest restrictions in one state, Kentucky.

“For the past few years, small bands of protestors have gathered at the funerals of fallen military heroes,” said Sen. Larry Craig, R-Ind., the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee chairman. “The conduct of those protestors has been as outrageous as it has been unwelcomed.”

The main focus of the legislation is to block protests by a Topeka, Kan., church headed by the Rev. Fred Phelps, which has appeared at many funerals of U.S. combat casualties claiming the deaths are punishment for the lax attitudes about homosexuals. Phelps and his followers from the Westboro Baptist Church have carried signs saying, “Thank God for Dead Soldiers.”

Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., who first introduced the bill, said he was not trying to inhibit free speech. He just wanted families to have the chance to “bury their American heroes with dignity and in peace,” Rogers said.

Absolutely disgusting. How dare these people do such things to the men and women who lay down their lives for the sole purpose of defending these people's rights and freedoms. If it were not for these soldiers who lost their lives, these nutcases would not even have the freedom of speech they seem to love making a mockery of.
Can anyone explain what the he** a soldier dieing for their country has to do with tolerance of gays???
Are these protesters suffering from terminal brain farts or what? They are saying that they are soooo religious and they are following the bibles teaching well you dumb asses the bible says love thy neighbor and treat others as you wish to be treated. So I guess this means when the find these scumbags we can go and destroy their houses burn their cars and if they have any thing that actually means something to them we can destroy it.
if i lived nearby i would be one of the first to help clean up the mess. that is just sick that  some one would do that to anyones house for any reason
hey Zip... whats the legality in using an airhorn to drown out their protests?

what about the legality of using said Airhorn about 2 inches from their face and ears?

I really need to stop thinking these evil thoughts..... I'll just think about throat punching em instead...
Not sure as to the legality in the USA, but you could probably get away with it here, albeit you would be probably be breaking a city noise by-law. 
Of course, a bunch of air horns isn't going to make for a very sombre funeral either, is it? 
I see something more along the lines of some huge mo-fo in a pink superhero suit, maybe called The Homovenger, show up masked, crease a few skulls with an iron re-bar then fade into the night.  Oddly, the assault investigation probably wouldn't be pursued too aggressively. 
These a-holes are looking for publicity, and the media give it to them.  Just a two bit cult out of Nowheresville, USA. 
Curious that they haven't tried their crap here in Canada, as we are starting to take a few war casualties, and as a country are very supportive of gay rights.  I'm pretty sure I can predict the outcome, though.  Hard to protest when your sign holding hand is broken, and you can't shout with a wired jaw. 

Um, I mean, VIOLENCE IS BAD.  DON'T HURT PEOPLE.  Right.  Bashing on then...
Kane said:
Absolutely disgusting. How dare these people do such things to the men and women who lay down their lives for the sole purpose of defending these people's rights and freedoms. If it were not for these soldiers who lost their lives, these nutcases would not even have the freedom of speech they seem to love making a mockery of.

What really offends me is that they are doing it and calliang themselves Christians. As Granny rightly points out this is not Christian behaviour.
Shame on them...and I hope they get caught and prosecuted.
The Indiana legislature passed a law prohibiting protests at military funerals in time for it to apply to this soldiers funeral.
tomahawk6 said:
The Indiana legislature passed a law prohibiting protests at military funerals in time for it to apply to this soldiers funeral.

So did the ass parade show up?  Did anyone get arrested, or more importantly, pepper sprayed, tasered or get the RHSC treatment?
From the dillholes own admission .... 80% of the members are from her own family .... I suspect
in-breading is the cause of their stupidity.


They didnt show up,I guess they didnt want to test the new law which made it a felony to protest.

Fallen Marine’s father sues funeral protesters

Associated Press

GREENBELT, Md. — The father of a Marine whose funeral was picketed by anti-gay protesters from a fundamentalist Kansas church filed an invasion-of-privacy suit against the demonstrators Monday.

It is believed to be the first lawsuit brought by a soldier’s family against Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kan., whose members routinely demonstrate at military funerals around the country.

Albert Snyder of York, Pa., the father of Lance Cpl. Matthew A. Snyder, is seeking unspecified damages. The younger Snyder, 20, died March 3 after an accident in the Al Anbar province of Iraq. He was buried in Westminster, Md.

“We think it’s a case we can win because anyone’s funeral is private,” Snyder lawyer Sean Summers said. “You don’t have a right to interrupt someone’s private funeral.”

Members of Westboro say the military deaths in Iraq are God’s punishment for America’s tolerance of gays. They typically carry signs with slogans such as “God Hates Fags” and “Thank God for IEDs,” a reference to the roadside bombs used by insurgents.

The church has inspired dozens of state laws banning funeral protests, including a Maryland law that did not go into effect until after Snyder’s memorial.

Shirley Phelps-Roper, a spokeswoman for the small congregation, said it is the first time Westboro has been sued by a soldier’s family.

“We were exercising our First Amendment rights,” she said.

If that is all that gets broken for these losers, then at least that is something.  I'm sure that their little cult of arseholes is very cost conscious and might have to be mindful of loosing money.  However, I'm betting it is a real trick to get money out of a registered charity. Maybe it would be better to take away their official church status and relegate them to fenced compound freak status.  That would be the best tactic with these scum.:threat:
That's disgusting, the cowards that have done that should pay deeply. They defaced an honourable mans home and have disrespected his life. I hope that if they go to the cemetery where he's buried and try anything the priest has a rifle to teach them a lesson with.

RIP sarge  :salute:
I watched that chick on the news a few weeks back and she is right out of er!!! I've never seen someone that is so in need of a helmet. She did openly say they were mostly family members...so that has to get you thinking. Really sad people like this exist!!!
Some things never change. When I came home from Viet Nam I was spit on and called a baby killer in the San Francisco airport. Its a sad state of affairs, everything old is new again.
Kid_Recruit said:
That's disgusting, the cowards that have done that should pay deeply. They defaced an honourable mans home and have disrespected his life. I hope that if they go to the cemetery where he's buried and try anything the priest has a rifle to teach them a lesson with.

RIP sarge  :salute:

Strangley, the clergy are not known for their graveside contact drill execution. 
Did your C&P not give you any thoughts towards taking time to reflect before hitting the [POST] button?