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  1. EXMPptbo

    Is This Right ?

    It would be funny if it weren't so tragic.
  2. EXMPptbo

    Conflict in Darfur, Sudan - The Mega Thread

    You would think Rwanda would cure us of thinking the UN or anything UN sponsored would work in Africa. There is no cleaning up Darfur without tackling the Govt. of Sudan and no-one seems to have the balls for that as far as the UN is concerned. Our soldiers would be in harm's way for no good...
  3. EXMPptbo

    NDP calls for immediate withdrawal from Afghanistan

    Every member of the NDP must oppose "the war" If they do not they will be hounded until they do or made to leave. This is the politically correct stance within the party and the only one accepted. Funny....where is the "democratic' part or the tolerant point of view. Should be called the No...
  4. EXMPptbo

    A Poem by MCpl Jeff Walsh

    Well done. The core of military service wrapped up in a few lines. Thanks Jeff.