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Search results

  1. NomadWarriorSoul

    Single fathers in Infantry trade... experiences, thoughts?

    Hello, I couldn't find any references via the search tool so I thought I'd ask for other peoples' thoughts and experiences.  I've asked recruiters a plethora of questions, but what I think I need to fill in the blanks now is some insight from serving members not involved in recruitment. I've...
  2. NomadWarriorSoul

    Running partner in Dartmouth NS ???

    Not a female but a male, trying to get back into the habit of running again.  I live beside Lake Binook, let me know if there is a running group going...
  3. NomadWarriorSoul

    Vision Questions Megathread, Categories, Problems etc.

    I'm sorry, I'll do precisely as you've outlined here.  I did honestly do some searching but probably didn't use the right keywords.
  4. NomadWarriorSoul

    References Superthread [Merged]

    Thanks, and thanks to whomever moved my post to an applicable thread.  I guess I shouldn't have used "background check" or whatever for a search phrase... I'm probably overanalyzing the whole thing.  I'm not worried about the interview, or my background(very tame and boring non story there), or...
  5. NomadWarriorSoul

    Vision Questions Megathread, Categories, Problems etc.

    I tried to search for this, but couldn't find specifics.  This seems the most applicable thread, I hope I'm not making a mistake... There are all kinds of references to minus degree (-) vision corrections and their applicable V values.  There seems to be a near complete lack of reference to...
  6. NomadWarriorSoul

    References Superthread [Merged]

    I did a search looking for answers (99% of the time I find what I need...) but couldn't find details on the finer points of what I need to know. My credit isn't good.  It's not terrible.. no bankruptcies or anything that catastrophic, but employment has been a huge problem for me the past few...
  7. NomadWarriorSoul

    CF Weapons Pams?

    Hi there... tried to access the link to brush up on weapon internal part names and field stripping etc, link is returning a 404 Not found. Has it been moved, or removed from public access?  Just curious.. I imagine it's all old news to anyone serving but for someone like me trying to get in...
  8. NomadWarriorSoul

    Youtube Gunslinger music video

    Wow.... powerful. I played it loud Wes.
  9. NomadWarriorSoul

    Learn Pashto Language online/ Pashto is the Language spoken in Kandahar

    Thank you :)  I've been learning Pashto on my own time, hoping the language skills might come in handy in the future ;)
  10. NomadWarriorSoul

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    They do that here in Moncton NB area just south of CFB Gagetown ... arguably more Tim Horton's per capita here than almost anywhere else in Canada.  And yes since we're in Canada that's practically bragging rights  8) My favorite experience at the Tims' here was getting to the counter to order...
  11. NomadWarriorSoul

    CNN News piece about conditions in AFG improving...

    I wish I had a link.  Please delete this if I'm really not supposed to bring this kind of thing up without a hard link... I did search for it but this was on TV. I just wanted to mention the news piece (I think it aired around 12-1am AST) was done primarily on increased schooling (they focused...
  12. NomadWarriorSoul

    First pics of Australian WWII shipwreck - The sun

    Yes, I feel the same way.. thank you for sharing this here.
  13. NomadWarriorSoul

    CDS stepping down!

    I don't post much, as I'm still a civvie and rarely have anything to add that someone experienced couldn't bring up... I will say I'm very sorry I didn't get sworn in in time to serve under this Man.
  14. NomadWarriorSoul

    Light Support Weapons & Infantry Automatic Rifles

    Umm, yes, there are a few C7s in use here. Might I suggest the Search Function...? Little confused as one of the posted stickied topics is a discussion about C7s in this subforum.  ???
  15. NomadWarriorSoul

    manual for c6&c9

    Seen; noted and will comply  :salute:
  16. NomadWarriorSoul

    manual for c6&c9

    That's something I'd never presume!  I'm sorry, I only meant it as something to familiarize yourself prior to BMQ so it's not all completely alien and strange when the time comes to do the job. I intend on 'knowing nothing' until an instructor shows me what they want me to do precisely and in...
  17. NomadWarriorSoul

    manual for c6&c9

    Been studying this for about 9 months and it's a gold mine of info.  Highly recommend checking it out (Edited, didn't sound quite right, thanks for pointing out how it could be interpreted)
  18. NomadWarriorSoul

    Poll on CTV *dot* ca about the LAV-3

    My brothers' LAVIII was hit by an IED. He got to go home unharmed (there were no injuries to anyone) to his loving wife, kids and family. I'm e-mailing the addy.  They should have asked the personnel and troops using them for reasons stated prior, and not left the results open to the other...
  19. NomadWarriorSoul

    A Thank You and message for those new to this forum...

    PM sent Ver-- err, I mean Tinkerbell! And thanks D, yes I'm amazed by this place... it was recommended by a lot of people I know who are already sworn in, it's become one of my primary sources of information and advice. Best wishes this holiday season!