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CNN News piece about conditions in AFG improving...


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I wish I had a link.  Please delete this if I'm really not supposed to bring this kind of thing up without a hard link... I did search for it but this was on TV.

I just wanted to mention the news piece (I think it aired around 12-1am AST) was done primarily on increased schooling (they focused on girls going to school, since their culture doesn't generally put school + girls together) coverage and safety.  But they presented this as being a direct result of NATO (and naturally the CF) being there.

I've been pretty disappointed with the lack of articles or newscasts about the things the NATO deployment there has helped improve... I don't post much because I'm still a civvie and generally worry about being out of my lane commenting on things (I think I didn't post for at least a year after getting on the board, mainly because I followed the Use Search instruction), but since I could find no mention of it here I wanted to post about it, if even only as a small footnote here for others to see hoping that the media is finally smartening up.  Hehehe.. honestly I won't hold my breath on that one.

I'll refrain from making an unnecessary observation in the thread about the university protest, but I honestly feel if the general public heard more of this kind of reporting there would be far, far, fewer people voicing opinions based on limited or skewed information.  I hesitate to use the word ignorance, but that's basically what a lot of it is.  They just don't know what they're talking about.  It strikes me too that perhaps this generation has allowed itself to become too far removed from history and now seem to think large scale conflict could never happen in any shape or form if action to prevent this isn't taken... has forgotten the lessons our veterans have tried to leave us with in a lot of cases... anyhow these aren't groundbreaking thoughts by any stretch.

I need to get a few hours sleep (just got back from my run and was up all night... need to recharge my brain a bit before attacking the day) and afterwards I'll search again for a hard link or mention of said piece.

:salute:  To all your fine work and our allies too...