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  1. Dontgo

    BMQ August 2007 - ALL locations

    See you all there!
  2. Dontgo

    BMQ August 2007 - ALL locations

    I heard 4 weeks before I heard it was combined. But keep in mind I don't know for sure if that's correct.
  3. Dontgo

    BMQ August 2007 - ALL locations

    I heard that SQ got combined with BIQ, but I'm not sure if that's true or not so don't quote me on. On the other hand, if it didn't get combined to one course then I'm sure they'll run it the same but give you some time off during x-mas as they would normally do.
  4. Dontgo

    BMQ August 2007 - ALL locations

    I'm sure they're allowed but I'd still keep it there when not using it.
  5. Dontgo

    BMQ August 2007 - ALL locations

    I know you need to have your prescription for medical stuff. I'm sure you can get some at Canex though, I heard they have "EVERYTHING" there. I'm sure that includes reactin and more cleaning supplies (ie. swiffer). I'm pretty sure you'll have enough room to store it all. You have your room and...
  6. Dontgo

    I'm In

    Congrats! Good luck!
  7. Dontgo

    BMQ August 2007 - ALL locations

    Well you'll have your uniform, haha.  :P If you packing for a year then I doubt you would have over packed, but they might ask in a not-so-polite way why you have so much.
  8. Dontgo

    BMQ August 2007 - ALL locations

    Wow I packed light. I only brought what they said to bring so I have 2 carry on bags, but if I wanted to I could cram it in to one.
  9. Dontgo

    A great BMQ video.

    There's was about 7 or 8 at my buddys and about 12 at mine.
  10. Dontgo

    BMQ August 2007 - ALL locations

    My sunglasses, haha. Why do we need 4 pairs of shoes? Did I miss something?
  11. Dontgo

    BMQ August 2007 - ALL locations

    A night flight? That's gonna suck too. At least you'll be able to sleep on the plane though.
  12. Dontgo

    BMQ Start

    I swore in July 19th. I leave for BMQ Aug 4th and offically start Aug 6th
  13. Dontgo

    WIndsor recruit. Swearing in Time and Date?

    When I went to swear in there was a guy who was Reg. within the last year and he still swore in so it probably makes a difference if you are or were.
  14. Dontgo

    I Need Your Opinion Ref: negative feed back from family

    Either trial and error, or you just know.
  15. Dontgo

    BMQ August 2007 - ALL locations

    Paintballing is going out  :) That does suck. The plane from Vancouver leaves at 9:10 am PST and arrives around 4 pm EST. So because of the time difference it's really not that long.
  16. Dontgo

    When people confuse the internet with real life

    Only a true nerd would do something like that.  :P
  17. Dontgo

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruiting Center: Vancouver Regular/Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM: NCM Trade Choice 1: Infantry Trade Choice 2: N/A Trade Choice 3: N/A Application Date: Sometime around the end of Dec. 2006 First Contact: Sometime around the end of Dec. 2006 CFAT completed : Feb 26th 2007 (Delayed because I was...
  18. Dontgo

    BMQ Start

    I'm going Reg. Infantry and live in B.C. going PPCLI and I'm doing BMQ in St. Jean
  19. Dontgo

    BMQ August 2007 - ALL locations

    Ya one of my buddys has been trying to get me to have a going away party for some time now. Then yesterday he says Friday (the 3rd, the day before my flight) is a long weekend day so most of us won't be working and lured me out with paintball. So I'm going to have to disappear to avoid drinking...
  20. Dontgo

    BMQ August 2007 - ALL locations

    I told everyone I don't want a going away party. I haven't had beer or pop in around 1 month since they're both unhealthy. But it's more exactly that, it'll just make it harder to leave.