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  1. H

    Why doesn't Canada design its own AFV and its own aircraft?

    I would have thought that a Canadian company like Bombardier and a U.S company such as Lockheed and martin would have gotten together and designed some sort of military vehicle for both country's.
  2. H

    Why doesn't Canada design its own AFV and its own aircraft?

    Yea the avero arrow was a very good air craft. thats why i ask the question why canada doesn't create design its own weapons and vehicles the avero was one of the best jets design and built at the time but the united states had to sway are government into droping the program just imagine the...
  3. H

    Why doesn't Canada design its own AFV and its own aircraft?

    Why doesn't Canada design its own tank and its own air craft instead of purchasing it from other countrys i know its expensive but in the long run Canada would be getting its money back from selling the finished product. or Canada could negotiate a deal with the United States and build a tank...
  4. H

    Tribute Video

    Here is another video tribute i made it doesn't show any of the 50 plus dead canadian soldiers but i think most of you do get that all soldiers are like brothers who serve under diffirent flags but still anyways here is my video i have made. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8a5wOIBWCxo PRO...
  5. H

    Conflict in Darfur, Sudan - The Mega Thread

    Intresting comments. The UK should be more involved seen as how sudan use to be a british coloney and gained independence in the late 50s. anyways back to the topic i think the african union should exercise its powers and sudan more military forces to sudan until the sudanese government stops...
  6. H

    British sailors arrested at gunpoint by Iranian navy.

    Iranians in iran are apparently protesting against the 15 sailors and want there release http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/meast/03/29/iran.uk.sailors/index.html
  7. H

    Why have i got a verbal warning ? what did i say mods explain to me

    Right now i am in defensive mode all i have been getting since i have been logging in is flack from the mods for no apparent reason and my comments are to counter what ever any person says no person is above the low and i think some mods on here abuse there powers no offense or anything but...
  8. H

    Why have i got a verbal warning ? what did i say mods explain to me

    Yea it doesn't say what exactlly i said that was racist and to my knowing i did not say anything racist only thing i said was nonconformist arabs and fascist
  9. H

    Why have i got a verbal warning ? what did i say mods explain to me

    Why have i got a verbal warning ? what did i say mods explain to me
  10. H

    Just got a job!!

    Good to hear how long did it take you to get the call ?
  11. H

    Medical headed off to be Reviewed

    Yea i'm about to go take my medical soon what should i be expecting ? what do they do when your taking a medical any nidles ? shots or anything or is it general like health test ?
  12. H

    Chopper shot down, crew executed....

    I have a video y'all can check out it has the MI 8 crash the crew where 3 bulgarians and 2 fujians and 6 american security contractors the man being excuted in the video is bulgarian but anyways if you all wanna see it check it out on my account on youtube screen name is AJIX
  13. H

    Where do you call home?

    Toronto Ont  :salute:
  14. H

    Average Teen vs 19 year old PFC

    Thats true friends make fun of me for joining the forces cause they think all be going to war but they don't know i'm a reserviest
  15. H

    Why Did/Are You Joining the Armed Forces??

    i know we don't wear BDU but the name of the uniform we wear didn't come to mind tell right now my bad the CADPAT
  16. H

    Why Did/Are You Joining the Armed Forces??

    Want to represent canada and make a future for my self my friends laugh at me joining the army but i question what there gonna be when there older i'm only 18 years old too so i think this might be one of my best decisions no matter what anyone else says i think its a calling i been wanting to...