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Search results

  1. Malcycee

    New MBT(Leo 2, M1A2, or Challenger 2), new light tank (Stingray), or new DFSV (M8 or MGS)?

    Hear Hear CSA 105. It would of course be great to have an MBT weighing 70tons plus at around 70mph able to knock off a gnats testicle at 2500metres but, as you rightly point out this would be near on impossible by today's technology. Let us not forget, a Tank is a 'Weapons platform' and...
  2. Malcycee

    New MBT(Leo 2, M1A2, or Challenger 2), new light tank (Stingray), or new DFSV (M8 or MGS)?

    Before I disappear to warmer climes to get married, I just couldn't resist this fellas................................Canada...friends.........you know you really shoulda oughta have bought this beast!!! In a sort of typically understated British way?!?!? Hope you enjoy...
  3. Malcycee

    New MBT(Leo 2, M1A2, or Challenger 2), new light tank (Stingray), or new DFSV (M8 or MGS)?

    I find it highly amusing how this thread keeps bimbling along. Great stuff!! :o Okay, I think there are a few points need highlighting from a British perspective!! Multi-fuel capability?? Oh yeah that'll really work, Chieftain's L60 - <Hawk.Spit> was promised to be multifuel - "you only need to...
  4. Malcycee

    New MBT(Leo 2, M1A2, or Challenger 2), new light tank (Stingray), or new DFSV (M8 or MGS)?

    Oh dear Have we no friends out in the big wide world?!? CAT cup?? Challenger 1? Problems with: a: Inexperienced Cav crews not RTR - it was a fix up!! (The competition in general always was!!!) b: IFCS - not improved from Chieftain....simply slung into CR1 - Total mismatch. Split case ammo...
  5. Malcycee

    Artwork for sale original and prints.

    recceguy Thanks for the query. I have no way of knowing what you guys can get similar artwork for in Canada but I can quote the prices converted to CAD's which they sell readily for here in the UK, the prints come unframed/mounted - in a secure tube. The prices I quote include postage and...
  6. Malcycee

    Artwork for sale original and prints.

    All Just thought this may be of interest. I create artwork (not as a professional as I have a full time job!) especially of a military flavour. I do a lot of original commissions but also prints. I have placed a selection of my prints which are for sale on this thread they are either in A1...
  7. Malcycee

    New MBT(Leo 2, M1A2, or Challenger 2), new light tank (Stingray), or new DFSV (M8 or MGS)?

    It doesn't seem to matter which army we serve or have served in..............the same questions are echoed the world over....which is best? Which would we have? There was a time prior to Chally 1 where, the UK actually thought about 'Never building another MBT'. "Let's buy one in!" came the...
  8. Malcycee

    New MBT(Leo 2, M1A2, or Challenger 2), new light tank (Stingray), or new DFSV (M8 or MGS)?

    3rd Herd 'mi honoured and learned colleague', I feel, as an ex Tankie (are we really ever that?) that your observations are valid and accurate. This is a stimulating subject and different perspectives are refreshing to all. At the end of the day we were/are all soldiers and not politicians. To...
  9. Malcycee

    New MBT(Leo 2, M1A2, or Challenger 2), new light tank (Stingray), or new DFSV (M8 or MGS)?

    1977/78 I remember seeing your guys in Cancon UNFICYP/Nicosia - Ledra? Palace hotel in your (might be wrong) M114's. A cracking good bunch of lads. There was an APC conversion during WW1 - This was it - The MK 9 or - no pun intended - Big Willie!! albeit I believe too late to be of any real...
  10. Malcycee

    New MBT(Leo 2, M1A2, or Challenger 2), new light tank (Stingray), or new DFSV (M8 or MGS)?

    The Russian concept that 3rd Herd very ably describes.............HHmmmmmm it raises a couple of questions in my mind. Having served so long on MBT I am more than aware of the effects of noise and vibration on the human body and senses. To place Infanteers in such close confines to the powerpack...
  11. Malcycee

    New MBT(Leo 2, M1A2, or Challenger 2), new light tank (Stingray), or new DFSV (M8 or MGS)?

    Hi Colin Given, during the coldwar according to intel from Brixmis, Russian crewmen were recruited at a max height of 5'3" - I dread to think what, as infanteers they were planning on putting in the back - possibly Hobbits? Agreed on the Merk - outstanding panzer but, we never really seem to get...
  12. Malcycee

    New MBT(Leo 2, M1A2, or Challenger 2), new light tank (Stingray), or new DFSV (M8 or MGS)?

    Hi Kirkhill You sir, are indeed correct as to source. My chum being on the FRES sales and info team for a very LARGE defence contractor says it is still on track but, within the MOD people are still arguing about what exactly they want which, for all the contractors, is making life difficult...
  13. Malcycee

    New MBT(Leo 2, M1A2, or Challenger 2), new light tank (Stingray), or new DFSV (M8 or MGS)?

    Okay guys Bringing us upto date, I notice Infanteer has asked the question about Tanks with Infantry carrying abilities. 'I have a friend' who works for a military defence contractor - he is shortly to become heavily involved in the UK's FRES programme. The concept is to make a medium armoured...
  14. Malcycee

    New MBT(Leo 2, M1A2, or Challenger 2), new light tank (Stingray), or new DFSV (M8 or MGS)?

    Now there's a concept!! On Chieftain it was possible for the MA to depress onto the Dvr's head if he wasn't sat low enough - CR the Glacis armour is higher so the gun kit limit switches are set so the dvrs 'bonce' can't cop for it!!!! Half the time on FTX in the German countryside, we TC's were...
  15. Malcycee

    New MBT(Leo 2, M1A2, or Challenger 2), new light tank (Stingray), or new DFSV (M8 or MGS)?

    UK after Centurion went central for the driver in Chieftain. The principle was adopted partly to lower the overall height of the tank by allowing the driver to fully recline when closed down, it also allows great sloped armour on the glacis plate. It is very comfortable!!! And allows for good...
  16. Malcycee

    New MBT(Leo 2, M1A2, or Challenger 2), new light tank (Stingray), or new DFSV (M8 or MGS)?

    CSA 105 Never had em reffered to as crap before!? i'll take it as some sort of compliment? My photos aren't exactly reference to which is the best new MBT for you chaps - perhaps I should start another thread for those of you who want to beat up on an old fashioned Brit Tankie? Incidently, I...
  17. Malcycee

    New MBT(Leo 2, M1A2, or Challenger 2), new light tank (Stingray), or new DFSV (M8 or MGS)?

    My only experience was the photo occasion when it took 3 days to get from Southampton to Denmark because...................we damn well broke down in the middle of an extremely choppy North sea!!!!!! Combined with us only being allowed 2 beers per man - totally miserable time between chundering...
  18. Malcycee

    New MBT(Leo 2, M1A2, or Challenger 2), new light tank (Stingray), or new DFSV (M8 or MGS)?

    Okay Let's have a look? Sorry the time lag between lands is so large!!! Disembarking at Esbjerg Denmark - 1978 for EX Bold Guard - 1st Tonka off - 10 mins - next was nearly 2 hours thanks to some nifty parking problems incurred by Hong Kong marshalls when loading at Southampton - Ship = RFA Sir...
  19. Malcycee

    New MBT(Leo 2, M1A2, or Challenger 2), new light tank (Stingray), or new DFSV (M8 or MGS)?

    I take it you mean my Avatar? It certainly was Soltau mid 80's - Me commanding Callsign 42 C Squadron 3RTR - Up the 'rickety Rackety road' from 5 ways crossing towards Strip wood!!!! Ah............pure diesel in my blood!!!!! Assuming I can post photos on here simply I can put plenty more on if...
  20. Malcycee

    New MBT(Leo 2, M1A2, or Challenger 2), new light tank (Stingray), or new DFSV (M8 or MGS)?

    Hi all I am an Brit Ex Tankie sorry - Tanker of 15years experience. I've been reading this thread with interest as over here we have a Website called the Army Rumour Service (ARRSE) which is very similar to you guys on here. Strangely enough, a similar thread to this happened a little while ago...