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  1. C

    Passed My CFAT :)

    ya sorry when i wrote my reply its was 6am, It was with someone  ;D i should have thought about what i said but i was so tired.  :boring: ya but its true your sprem has protien. i was delayed during my recruiting process but it was all my fault thoe, anyways guys i have to go and see what my...
  2. C

    Passed My CFAT :)

    Wow i did all of my test in one day. but then again i waited 3 months for my medical to get oked! good luck to ya guys and heres a little advice DON'T FREAK OUT ABOUT THE CFAT  :crybaby:. get a good night sleep and you will be fine. and if your a guy, DON'T HAVE SEX WITH OR BY YOUR SELF BEFOR...
  3. C

    BMQ Questions

    Thanks guys, I don't hate needles, i just hate giving blood its almost like i can fell the blood leave my arm. I can take shots for the flu or hep b "lockjaw". Qoute! "Be careful, you might get some %&*^&# that thinks that if you don't like needles that you shouldnt be in an environment to get...
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    BMQ Questions

    when you go to BMQ do you get checked out for dental work? I had 2 rootcanals started and there not finished because im not on any dental plan and i don't have the money to fix them, they don't cause me any pain or discomfort. and do you have to get your blood checked at BMQ? i don't like...
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    Thank you guys,  :salute: it is a long and difficult trail. but its not at the end i have much to accomplish in my career in the CF. I wish the best for all of you! CscotR Andrew  :cdn:
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    I put up a post a while back called "The bottom line for asthma" In the post i said that i had acute asthma or "mild" and that i got rejected because of it. So in my sad state, i decied to fight this! i sent out 2 letters The frist Letter saying why i want to join the military, and why i...
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    Asthma & the CF (merged thread)

    I was told by the medical staff, that you can have asthma but you have to be already in the cf. if your in the CF and then your diagnosed with asthma then you can stay in. i know someone who this has happened to.
  8. C

    BMQ August 2007 - ALL locations

    my paper work has'nt even been sent off, but my recruiter said if everything gose right then i will be leaving in late august or early september. i hope its true but with my luck it won't but i will be praying and i will see you all there. im from victoria bc the names Andrew
  9. C

    What not to do - No excuse BMQ tips [Merged]

    im not worried about them touching me. or swearing ive just heard of 2 sides of the military training im just trying to find out whats true and what i should ectspect when i go. i know there trying to build charactor and everything.
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    What not to do - No excuse BMQ tips [Merged]

    wow! now im nervious.  :o I have friends that are in the reserves infantry and they said there basic is nothing like what i read. So im guessing that the reserves are different from the regular force?  ??? Im going into the PPCLI and the recruiter said that i would be doing my training in late...