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  1. frazzledazzle

    Parachutist wings from cadets on my PRes or RegF uniform

    The captain that was referred to earlier was Capt Carreau. She's about 5 foot nothing and ran us into the ground on our pre-para. Anyone know if any females got loaded on this year? I believe the course list should be out by now.
  2. frazzledazzle

    Parachutist wings from cadets on my PRes or RegF uniform

    There was a female in 2008 and 2007.
  3. frazzledazzle

    Cadets Joining the Reserves - Can it be Both?

    Yes, I agree, cadets can be very fustrating for many senior cadet NCMs, but sometimes it worth it to stick it out and do both for the betterment of your cadet corps which it seems it why you want to stay. I personally am applying for the reserves and a volunteer at my cadet corps was an ex...
  4. frazzledazzle

    Cadets Joining the Reserves - Can it be Both?

    When he first told me about it, he told me that he was pretty sure it was only a 6 week leadership course and 3 years cadet time. But he asked me to bring in my credentials and he'd check to make sure. So I'm not positive whether you need NSCE or not. Might want to check that out. On a side...
  5. frazzledazzle

    Cadets Joining the Reserves - Can it be Both?

    The recruiter told me that to get the incentive you need three years in plus a 6 week leadership course including CL and CLI. Not sure what else you need though, he just told me to bring in my cadet credentials and told me that I'd qualified for it once he saw them. I do have NSCE, so I'm not...
  6. frazzledazzle

    Cadets Joining the Reserves - Can it be Both?

    It depends on what you want to do. I stayed in cadets an extra year to get my basic parachutist wings. When I took it this year, you were not allowed to be on the course if you were a reservist. The reason being that reservist are not allowed to participate in a CF course unpaid. As it stands...
  7. frazzledazzle

    Parachutist wings from cadets on my PRes or RegF uniform

    Yes, shuttle run is gone. Not sure when they took it out though. the longest single run you will probably do is 10km, we never did more then this I believe. the longest we did for the morning run was 8km, but you'll ALWAYS be running. They'll give you timings that will be insanely tight, so...
  8. frazzledazzle

    Parachutist wings from cadets on my PRes or RegF uniform

    I did the jump course this summer with cadets. Everything was the same for the PT test except that we didn't have to do the shuttle run. As for the "How much will you have to run in a day" for the actual para, most of the runs are in the morning, if they're in a good mood (A.K.A. you didn't...
  9. frazzledazzle

    what do you hope to gain from cadets?

    What have I gotten out of cadets... wow where to start? I've climbed mountains and glaciers in the rockies for one. Met friends that even though we're provinces apart I can still call up and have a conversation on the phone with. I've learnt skills that no other youth organization could have...
  10. frazzledazzle

    what qualifications do you have?

    I'm a bit of both, our cadet corp wears old Artillery Patrol Dress (can be seen in the unathorized uniform thread), and in that we wear only rank, NSCE and marksman qualifications. They're for C/Sgts and up, and we only wear those on COs parades and other special occasions. But for my cadet...
  11. frazzledazzle

    what qualifications do you have?

    My ACO has inspected our cadet corps and she said that they're the same as Rocky Mountain and Connaught pins being worn, officially not allowed, but one of those things they're not really worried about.
  12. frazzledazzle

    what qualifications do you have?

    Don't give up on that advanced camp yet, if you fall within the age category, have NSCE and can find some way of getting a CO's recommendation then you can do Rocky Mountain with almost no prior camp experience. I went to camp with a guy only Basic Cadet qualified. I myself only have CL.  :o
  13. frazzledazzle

    what qualifications do you have?

    One of the officers at my cadet corp ran the scuba course so he just gave us the padi scuba pin you can pick up from most dive shops. It's not actually a RCAC pin, it goes under regimental acoutrements or something like that. Rocky Mountain is a National camp, says it in the title, Rocky...
  14. frazzledazzle

    What will happen?

    Oh well, I can always try and get them once I'm in, although I've been told that's pretty hard.
  15. frazzledazzle

    What will happen?

    I'm currently a cadet right now and I'm in my last year of high school. I really want to get my wings though cadets this summer but want to join the army through the ROTP program next year. I checked online and it said that you begin training the summer after you graduate high school. Is there...
  16. frazzledazzle

    Unauthorized Uniform parts Picture hunt. "For fun and giggles"

    Our affiliated unit pretends we don't exist, all of the patrol blues and cap badges come from our own money. The Senior NCMs are trying to convince the officers to buy them, but i think it'll come down to NCMs buying their own.
  17. frazzledazzle

    Unauthorized Uniform parts Picture hunt. "For fun and giggles"

    geo... The Warrant Officer is the incoming RSM and thats why he's wearing the Sash and the other person wearing a sash is the outgoing RSM, he was promoted to MWO on the parade and the pictures was taken the day before the parade. Also, the incoming RSM had outgrown his uniform and they pieced...
  18. frazzledazzle

    Unauthorized Uniform parts Picture hunt. "For fun and giggles"

    This was the Seniors photo for my corps. I'm second from left. Our corps uses these uniforms known as patrol dress for Sgts and above on Special events and occasions, CO's Parades, Annual Review, Remebrance day, etc.
  19. frazzledazzle

    Mandatory parades

    At our corps, as long as you don't use it all the time, the CO lets cadets unpenalized with being absent because of being sick or homework.