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  1. A

    Upcoming BMQ's

    During my first contact with CRFC they told me to start getting in shape. At worst I wouldn't be accepted for a job but would be in better shape. At best I would have a few months of running and pushups done and be ready to go when I got the call. There is a thread floating around about Feb...
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    how stable is a job in the canadian forces

    I think that you can be quite certain there will always be a job for you somewhere in the CF as long as you meet the criteria. Certain MOC's may change, merge with others, or cease to exist, so there may not always be stability within your MOC. That might be the only thing that is unstable.
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    Pushups- Try Reading Here First- Merged Thread

    Lazarus, I wouldn't panic yet. The injury won't come up at the recruiting center until your medical (at the earliest). By that time you should have an idea of how long it will take to heal. People get hurt all the time so I'm sure they know how to handle it. The worst that could happen is it...
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    Recruiting Blues

    Hey Siege, My advice is enjoy high school for now! Relax, go out, have as much fun as you can! These are your easy years! The CFAT is an aptitude test, you can't really study. Play video games for spatial awareness (I knew all those hours weren't wasted) brush up on your algebra and remember...
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    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruiting Center: Calgary Regular/Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM: NCM Trade Choice 1: LCIS Tech Trade Choice 2: Signals Op Trade Choice 3: Application Date: November 18, 2007 First Contact: November 19, 2007 Interview, aptitude completed: December 3, 2007 Medical completed: December 4, 2007...
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    Pick the right trade at the begining!

    This advice seems like a no-brainer, but some still don't see it. I wasn't offered the "deal" to sign for a red trade and then attempt transfer upon completion of BMQ, but I did talk to a few people during recruiting who thought they were. I can't say if the staff told them it was possible or...
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    Recruiting Blues

    Congratulations on making the list! Glad to know CFRC Calgary is still hard at work this week, that means there is still time for me to get my phone call. Weather looks good in Calgary until at least next week so no need to worry about running in the snow! Although, I wish it would snow a bit...
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    Recruiting Blues

    Thanks for the post. I'm about a week or two ahead of you (if there is such thing as being ahead) in the recruiting process, also in Calgary. I caught a bunch of references that made me chuckle. Things moved fairly quick for me. 2 weeks between application and merit-list. I think it had...