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how stable is a job in the canadian forces


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I was wondering how long a NCM could expect to keep his/her job, and iis there such a thing as downsizing in the military and layoffs?
Would an officer have a longer career compared to a NCM?
I left the quesiton pretty open-ended, I guess.
As long as your performance meets the basic requirements - you can stay in the CF until you retire.  Working for the Government of Canada is one of the most secure job environments in existence.
I asked the same question to a WO at the CFRC Vancouver (about layoffs and downsizing), his reponse was "the Government of Canada would have to go bankrupt before we started losing our jobs".
as long as your fit and not doing anything illegal you can stay in till your 60 now i think it is .
I think that you can be quite certain there will always be a job for you somewhere in the CF as long as you meet the criteria.

Certain MOC's may change, merge with others, or cease to exist, so there may not always be stability within your MOC. That might be the only thing that is unstable.
Compulsory Release Age (CRA) is 60 so, presuming that your health and fitness for whatever MOC you get into holds, you would be good up until then. CRA is the same for all ranks.

We have never had lay-offs. There was the Force Reduction Programme (FRP) in the 1990s, which was an incentive-to-leave method.

There is an excellent Search Function here which is worth detailed exploration. You should be able to find answers to most questions, including many that you haven't even thought of yet, through that.

Welcome to Army.ca, and good luck in your future.