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  1. Izzie_air

    Post-deployment, re-deployment

    Well, here it is. It came out on the 21st of Nov.  Not really sure what to do with it though. I wonder if it will be implemented in the near future or if it's just words on paper for now. I guess we'll see... "NDHQ C NAVY OTTAWA NAVGEN 035/16 UNCLAS RCN 045/16 SIC WAC SUBJ: RCN PERSONNEL TEMPO...
  2. Izzie_air

    Post-deployment, re-deployment

    Okay, so I've been digging around and found a NAVGEN that was released on the 21st of Nov. titled "RCN PERSONNEL TEMPO". It's not online yet but as soon as it is, I will post it here.  It is aimed directly at the point of this post.
  3. Izzie_air

    Post-deployment, re-deployment

    Yeah that's what it's looking like in my case as well. Feeling somewhat burnt out. 434 days away in the last two years is taking it's toll.  It doesn't make me look forward to coming home from a 7 month deployment just to sail for another year.  So it looks like there is no specific reference...
  4. Izzie_air

    Post-deployment, re-deployment

    Couldn't find a specific post regarding my questions, so I am posting it here if anyone can help.  I am Air Force posted to a Naval Ship (well, various ships over the last few yrs). I am currently deployed on a 7 month tour. I have been told that I am getting posted again right away after to...
  5. Izzie_air

    Voluntary Occupational Transfer ( VOT )

    Oh I actually looked at the CM briefing for this year for ACS and the trade is red at 87%. TES=675 and PML=776, so here's hoping. Looks like there are a few trying to get in this year so let's hope we all do.  The AVOT message for 2016/2017 says successful applicants will be notified in early...
  6. Izzie_air

    Voluntary Occupational Transfer ( VOT )

    Aah, the waiting begins again. This'll be my third try in 4 years for an OT out of my current trade. We're finally green and ACS looks to be yellow, so here's hoping. Not sure what to do if I don't get it this year...release maybe? Who knows, maybe by some small act of kindness my dreams will...
  7. Izzie_air

    AVOT Helpful hints and tips

    Ah yes I just finished my 3rd attempt at a Vot complete with application and PSO interview. Now the wait until June. I agree with all of these points in my experience. 1)  I recommend keeping copies of everything as well as people are not going to be as careful with your career as you will be...
  8. Izzie_air

    2013 AVOTP offers

    I was on the Feb one. There was a canforgen saying that if you were accepted, you would receive your answer in early May. If not, late May. I, however, have not received anything yet but the PSO's office called Ottawa and they said I wasn't selected and that they are taking a long time to cut...
  9. Izzie_air

    Occupational Transfer to MP

    Hey! I am currently in the process of OT'ing  to MP. You have the process right so far, the first step is to apply through your chain of command (I found all the forms and the process of submission on the DIN and under our BPSO's webpage) . If the BPSO feels that you are a good fit after your...
  10. Izzie_air

    Met Tech Info?

    No, we are not on ships all the time, usually just posted to a ship for a couple of years, like any other posting. We are an airforce trade, however, we do work with and for all three, all over Canada. And shifts vary from base to base though we almost always work shiftwork. Any other q's?
  11. Izzie_air

    Met Tech Info?

    Hey! I'm a Met Tech, if anyone's got any questions, I'd be more than happy to answer them...
  12. Izzie_air

    Lost Mil I.D.?

    Well, thank-you, thank-you, sooo much. Your advice and that form are much appreciated. I was thinking it would be a little worse than that. Now I'm not so worried. Thank you for all your help!
  13. Izzie_air

    Lost Mil I.D.?

    >:( So I think I lost my I.D. today (checked everywhere) and was wondering if the process is really as bad as everyone says it is to get another one...