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Voluntary Occupational Transfer ( VOT )

  • Thread starter Thread starter wackymax
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I wonder what source could provide such information.
I spoke with a PSO and they clearly don't know when those boards will sit for the 2016 opennings.
DrSize said:
I've heard some boards have already sat for OTs.

For future reference, perhaps "OT Boards" will be merged with "VOT 2015, 16, 17, 18..............." ( 19 pages. )

See also,

OT Application Status
Last post: March 18, 2016
Aah, the waiting begins again. This'll be my third try in 4 years for an OT out of my current trade. We're finally green and ACS looks to be yellow, so here's hoping. Not sure what to do if I don't get it this year...release maybe? Who knows, maybe by some small act of kindness my dreams will come true. Best of luck to everyone who's trying this year, possibly for the umpteenth time, such as myself. What's everyone trying for this year?
Yeah the waiting sucks.I have also apply for ACS this year.I have spoken with DCMPG two week ago about the email link for OT like. They confirm that the broker were going to receive the number of position to fill April 1st and the other option will only be updated if your application is approved .I hope you get it Izzy let's keep each other informed
Oh I actually looked at the CM briefing for this year for ACS and the trade is red at 87%. TES=675 and PML=776, so here's hoping. Looks like there are a few trying to get in this year so let's hope we all do.  The AVOT message for 2016/2017 says successful applicants will be notified in early May. Not sure about unsuccessful ones though. When I've gotten all my "no's" thus far I ended up waiting an extra two months for it.
If you didnt hear anything check with your pso. They should have a non selection message on file.
Is there any info on the 16/17 VOT-U selection board available? I submitted an application for 00213 Int O and asked my PSO about it. Last month he/she told me it would either be in May, Jun or Jul. Maybe there is more specific info on that matter on HRMS or a similar source?

Many Thanks

The boards sit quarterly and are dependent on flow and volume of applications.  All I can tell you is to be patient.

aj2912 said:
Does anyone know if a VOT-U (untrained, fresh out of BMQ) is treated any differently than other VOT's? Is it any more or less likely to be approved? Will it be pushed through faster so I don't start DP1 in my current trade only to stop midway through and start another course? What is a rough timeline of the process?

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Both the VOT-U and VOT processes are competitive but separate.  As a VOT-U you are competing with other VOT-U applicants only for specific occupations which are listed on the monthly reassignment list (MRL).  VOT-U applicants are processed last after COT-U (compulsory occupation transfer) to ensure there are positions available for COT-U first then VOT-U last.  VOT-U boards sit quarterly and depending on the strength of your file, it will depend on whether you get a new occupation.  You will continue with training in your current occupation until you get an offer.  However, should you reach operationally functional period (OFP) which is the point where you have completed your basic occupational training and can be posted, before the VOT-U board sits, your file will be closed as you are no longer untrained.  At this point you can only apply for VOT in the annual competition after completing 48 months of service in your current occupation.

You're using a lot of language from the draft 5000 series DAOD vice the CFAOs (11-12, for Reg Force NCM remuster).  Has the DAOD that was to supersede the CFAO been signed and published?  It was in draft form several years ago...surprised it wasn't authorized early.
DAOD is still in draft.  However, while the terminology used is different from the CFAO, it is still valid.  For example OFP used to be the old QL3 whereas VOT-U used to be VOR.  48 month rule for AVOTP (VOT) has always been there. 


Don't need to have completed the 48 months before applying. It's as long as you hit 48 months in the same year that you are applying for VOT.
mariomike said:
You may find these discussions of interest,

Remustering while at BMQ 

Remustering after BMQ?

remuster during BMQ 

remustering during BMQ?

Occupation Transfer at BMQ

Change of Trades during BMQ 

OT during BMQ 

Occupational Transfer in BMQ


Edit to add

Can only OT after DP1? plus speaking with a BPSO

How to OT after Basic Training?

HELP with a VOT-U
"I have BMQ only"

VOT between Elements after BMQ 


And those have been merged into http://army.ca/forums/threads/23075.0.html.
Andraste said:
DAOD is still in draft.

Wow!  I first saw the draft about 5'ish years ago. 

However, while the terminology used is different from the CFAO, it is still valid.  For example OFP used to be the old QL3 whereas VOT-U used to be VOR.  48 month rule for AVOTP (VOT) has always been there.

They are somewhat different actually, in you review in detail.  OFP is not used in the CFAO, whereas it is throughout the DAOD and is the 'hinge point' in the VOT/COT process.  CFAO uses 'initial occupation trg'.

This change was fairly important, as not all trades OFP is QL3; example - my trade OFP is QL5 but initial occ trg is a QL3.

Thanks for the info, wonder what the hold up is on the DAOD being signed.  ???
meni0n said:
Don't need to have completed the 48 months before applying. It's as long as you hit 48 months in the same year that you are applying for VOT.

In addition, if you are combat arms you can apply for VOT with 36 months of service IAW CFA0 11-12 "LOTP".
I'm currently W-Eng awaiting on AVOT to ATISS, hopefully approval after 3 years of trying.
ATIS tech, i almost done my 5's w-eng now so hoping to get plared out of a few things if get the green light.