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  1. Hibbsie

    Tory minority in jeopardy as opposition talks coalition. Will there be another election?

    Thank you for proving my point. We do not have the Freedom of speech. We have expression, opinion, and thought, but we do not have speech. When Canadian's state that we have the freedom of speech it makes me shiver a little inside about how much Canadian's have learned about our country's system...
  2. Hibbsie

    Tory minority in jeopardy as opposition talks coalition. Will there be another election?

    I think what frustrates me the most about this entire ordeal is how little Canadian's understand about their own political system. People seem to think that we vote for a certain party or Prime Minister to gain office and that it thwarts our "freedom of speech" if the coalition forms. Both these...
  3. Hibbsie

    What religion do you consider yourself

    The thing about the Jedi religion (I'm talking about the real followers and not just those that put it down on their census for a laugh) is that it they are not so interested in the ability to move things with their minds but the philosophy that governs it. I've had the chance to talk to a...
  4. Hibbsie

    Aspiring CF-18 pilot...come on, give me a chance :)

    Well for me, being tall isn't the issue. I am 5'6'' so I'm just curious if that still allows me to be in any cockpit.
  5. Hibbsie

    Aspiring CF-18 pilot...come on, give me a chance :)

    Sorry for bring a dead thread back to life but I have a quick question. I was talking to my friends about becoming a pilot and my air-force friend told me that there is a hight requirement to fly the CF-18. I was just wondering if this were true?
  6. Hibbsie

    Would you consider leaving the CF and joining another country's Defence Force

    Not surprising. Its possible for one to be sent to jail for X number of years for something as simple as not getting the cresses right in your uniform. But yes they do have a sort of celebrity status in France, but it comes with an extremely hight price (being the French governments fodder...
  7. Hibbsie

    Would you consider leaving the CF and joining another country's Defence Force

    If you want to know more about them I suggest you look for the videos on youtube about a kiwi in the legion. And yeah "rough life" is a bit of a understatement, I've heard they get real bullets shot at them during training. (guess if u can't dodge one in practice how are you to doge one in real...
  8. Hibbsie

    Would you consider leaving the CF and joining another country's Defence Force

    I don't believe I would be able to leave and join a foreign military. Of course I've thought about, who hasn't; when I was young I used to wounder what it would be like to run off and join the French Foreign Legion. But when it comes down to it I never could. There are plenty of other jobs in...
  9. Hibbsie

    The Netherlands raises its terror alert level to "substantial" - BBC

    That quote is from Evelyn Hall's " Friends of Voltaire". It was used to sum up his beliefs, but is not actually said by Voltaire himself.
  10. Hibbsie

    Enrollment / Swearing In Ceremony [MERGED]

    I hear a lot of talk about swearing in on a bible. As I am not Christian I wish not to be sworn in on something that has no bearing to me. Is there another way I can be sworn in? What do I say or ask?
  11. Hibbsie

    History's Greatest Army?

    I'm sorry that this is straying away from the actual thread - the Hellenes are the Greeks. In short, the Romans came in contact with a tribe known as the Greeks. they then called every other group of people of the same culture the "Greeks". This name eventually turned into what the rest of the...
  12. Hibbsie

    History's Greatest Army?

      Actually the word Barbarian comes from the Ancient Hellenes. It was a blanket term used to describe anyone that did not speak Greek because the sounds they made sounded like 'bar bar bar'