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Would you consider leaving the CF and joining another country's Defence Force

Consideration for joining a foreign Army after CF service

  • Yes in a heartbeat

    Votes: 9 20.9%
  • yes, but what about the red tape

    Votes: 4 9.3%
  • Might if I knew more

    Votes: 14 32.6%
  • No, but I would like to

    Votes: 3 7.0%
  • No, never

    Votes: 13 30.2%

  • Total voters
I don't believe I would be able to leave and join a foreign military. Of course I've thought about, who hasn't; when I was young I used to wounder what it would be like to run off and join the French Foreign Legion. But when it comes down to it I never could. There are plenty of other jobs in the world where I could be making a lot more money, but i chose the military to protect the freedoms of Canadians and be part of that brotherhood. To leave that behind and join a foreign force would make me feel too much like a merc.
I would love to move down to NZ but from what I can tell the military pay is terrible compared to ours. The NZDF website notes that a new army captain starts at about 41K Cdn. Compare to 66K up here. I believe prices are lower but the pay still doesn't seem to be any comparison. Oz pay doesn't seem as high either but perhaps Wes can provide insight. I looked at UK officer salaries the other day and they appear better. Higher cost of living however etc.
Proud_Newfoundlander said:
It depends what commonwealth country. Like we're all becoming different and similar, but NZ, AUS, UK seem to be the main three. I dont think I would want to fight for NZ, because they dont have much of a military, no fighter capability, and im not sure they have tanks

Umm, that sounds like the CF before Hillier. I had a UK app all filled out and ready to go, didn't go thru with it. Needed a sponsor in the UK and I didn't know anyone there.
I've read about the legion. It seems like a rough life, but you get pretty decent pay, celebrity status, and a bunch hugely courageous, loyal men, guess it varies on the person. If your someone who wants a new life and finds interest in the military you may be interested
Senor Mono said:
I would love to move down to NZ but from what I can tell the military pay is terrible compared to ours. The NZDF website notes that a new army captain starts at about 41K Cdn. Compare to 66K up here. I believe prices are lower but the pay still doesn't seem to be any comparison. Oz pay doesn't seem as high either but perhaps Wes can provide insight. I looked at UK officer salaries the other day and they appear better. Higher cost of living however etc.

We (Australia) have a service allowance of 10,063 per annum, so add that on to the pay rate desired. I dont't know if the EnZedders have this. In May a whopping 2.8% increase in pay.
Proud_Newfoundlander said:
I've read about the legion. It seems like a rough life, but you get pretty decent pay, celebrity status, and a bunch hugely courageous, loyal men, guess it varies on the person. If your someone who wants a new life and finds interest in the military you may be interested

If you want to know more about them I suggest you look for the videos on youtube about a kiwi in the legion. And yeah "rough life" is a bit of a understatement, I've heard they get real bullets shot at them during training. (guess if u can't dodge one in practice how are you to doge one in real life)
Archilochus said:
If you want to know more about them I suggest you look for the videos on youtube about a kiwi in the legion. And yeah "rough life" is a bit of a understatement, I've heard they get real bullets shot at them during training. (guess if u can't dodge one in practice how are you to doge one in real life)

Strange enough, I know more men that defected (still wanted) from the FFL, and no none who comleted their 5 yr engagement. All told me, they were constantly abused, and in the early days beaten (and I mean BEATEN) by their NCOs.

Need I say more. if one wants that lifestyle, well thats a personal thing.

There are better armies to choose from (IMHO), and they speak english which is great if you only have the one language.
Wesley  Down Under said:
Strange enough, I know more men that defected (still wanted) from the FFL, and no none who comleted their 5 yr engagement. All told me, they were constantly abused, and in the early days beaten (and I mean BEATEN) by their NCOs.

Not surprising. Its possible for one to be sent to jail for X number of years for something as simple as not getting the cresses right in your uniform.

But yes they do have a sort of celebrity status in France, but it comes with an extremely hight price (being the French governments fodder being one)
I have thought about this, and took a serious look at some jobs in the RAAF.  Its not ruled out and may be something I look at more serious if my current plans don't go as planned.

Of course, I ask "are we on the same side?" question.  Which for the RAAF, we are.  I wouldn't be able to do it otherwise. 
If I had been single I would have tried going to the Australian Forces after the CF.  Some good people on their team...
I looked into joining the marines back in the day (read 80's) but I didn't want the lack of paycheck that would have gone with the wait for the green card (I was already in the CF).  Now I wouldn't switch for anything aside from the fact that I'm too old and broken to go through another round of basic training.  I like my job and probably wouldn't get the same respect anywhere else - from up or down the chain.
I did just that. Joined the British Army and had some of the best years of my life (especially the beer). No regrets at all, and I'd strongly recommend it to anyone who wants to soldier hard and doesn't give a rats a** about pensions and all that other career cr*p.

Having said all that, today's CF has some excellent soldiering opportunities that never existed when I was a lad e.g., worthwhile operational tours, CSOR, JTF etc and, if I was 20 years old again, it would be a much tougher choice.