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Search results

  1. A

    Petawawa Thread- Merged

    Tree hugger... There really isn't much at all.  I've been looking, but any apartments that come available, are normally snatched up within a day or two. If you google "pembroke classifieds" or "petawawa classifieds" you'll find the Osprey media classifieds site, and there are typically some...
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    SLT for summer of '08

    I personally know of 6 or 7 people that did their IAP/BOTP (whatever its being called now) that completed that and went on to their next phases (one Navy, the rest did CAP or had a CAP bypass) One was DEO, one had one semester of school before NETPO, the rest were CEOTP I think. Just offering...
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    SLT for summer of '08

    It may have changed, but I was on BOTP last summer, finished Aug 30th, and on our course the only people that were told they would have to do SLT (for english learning french) would be legal officers, public affairs, and pilots.  The reason for pilots?  Something for them to do while awaiting...
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    Petawawa Thread- Merged

    Another question... I was checking out the real estate prices in L'Isle-aux-Allumettes which is 15-20 minutes outside of Pembroke.  Is this one of the places that is included in the area you are able to live in?  Or since its in Quebec, does that make a difference? I saw reference in materials...
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    Petawawa Thread- Merged

    Thanks for the quick replies everyone. Its looking like I may be spending the entire summer there now, and doing my next course in the fall, so I'm happy to hear there is places to walk my pup and love the fact that there is a river. I'm from the Annapolis Valley, so I'm pretty use to small...
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    Dates for LogO phase 3 ?

    Thanks for the reply I was really hoping to be training by early next year sometime, but I guess it no longer really matters when I do my CAP course.
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    Petawawa Thread- Merged

    I just got my first posting to Petawawa.  I'm from a Navy family so all I know about Petawawa is that its in the middle of no where.  My posting message came a bit late, I'm moving in 3 weeks (and in those three weeks I need to finish my university exams and graduate) and I just got the message...
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    Dates for LogO phase 3 ?

    Does anyone have any dates for Log officer phase 3 in Borden?  I'm just finishing up university, so I don't have access to the DIN, and my ULO is currently busy since we were without a SEM for a couple months, so I don't want to bug her too much. I still have to do CAP, and it wasn't in my file...