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Dates for LogO phase 3 ?


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Does anyone have any dates for Log officer phase 3 in Borden?  I'm just finishing up university, so I don't have access to the DIN, and my ULO is currently busy since we were without a SEM for a couple months, so I don't want to bug her too much.

I still have to do CAP, and it wasn't in my file that I had done BOTP so they had me loaded for BOTP this summer, rather then CAP.  Just wanted to see whether I would have to push for a summer CAP, or if I could do a fall CAP followed by my phase 3.  The last thing I want to do though is miss the phase 3 course, and have to wait a year to do it.

Thanks in advance!
Thanks for the reply

I was really hoping to be training by early next year sometime, but I guess it no longer really matters when I do my CAP course.
"C" Div LOG OFFR TRG  -  MOS ID 00328
LOG OFFR COMMON CRSE (LOCC) (F) 16 Jun - 23 Jul 08
LOG OFFR COMMON CRSE (LOCC)   16 Jun - 23 Jul 08
LOG OFFR COMMON CRSE (LOCC)   16 Jun - 23 Jul 08

LOG OFFR COMMON CRSE (LOCC)   18 Sep - 24 Oct 08
LOG OFFR COMMON CRSE (LOCC)   18 Sep - 24 Oct 08
LOG OFFR COMMON CRSE (LOCC) (F) 18 Sep - 24 Oct 08

LOG OFFR COMMON CRSE (LOCC)   19 Feb - 26 Mar 09
LOG OFFR COMMON CRSE (LOCC)   19 Feb - 26 Mar 09

Ph III and IV are back logged, especially with the "new" courses coming on line asap. I've got the full CFSAL training calender if you need it (excel file). Lots of CAP courses online. I have the dates for those as well if you need them.
Very interesting!
I got an email from my SEM over a month ago with course dates for Phase 3 11 June -23 July
and phase 4 28 July to 12 Sept.  I just recieved an email from the Capt running the course indicating the same date as above.
Did the course dates get changed or did the email contain the wrong info?
Ironically I happen to come across this post the same day I got the change of date.
Unfortunately I was banking on the fact I was on both Phase 3 and 4(like the original message said) and already cordinated all my living arrangements around the previous dates. hmmmmmmm this should be fun.
Just checked the schedule again to make sure. According to the schedule, your Ph IV dates are the same but you'll be a week early for Ph III.

The schedule was updated May 8 on the CFSAL DWAN intranet site, but that doesn't mean your SEM knows more than I do.

LOG OFFR COMMON CRSE (LOCC) (F) 16 Jun - 23 Jul 08
LOG OFFR COMMON CRSE (LOCC) 16 Jun - 23 Jul 08
LOG OFFR COMMON CRSE (LOCC) 16 Jun - 23 Jul 08
LOG OFFR COMMON CRSE (LOCC) 16 Jun - 23 Jul 08
LOG OFFR COMMON CRSE (LOCC) 15 Sep - 21 Oct 08
LOG OFFR COMMON CRSE (LOCC) (F) 15 Sep - 21 Oct 08
LOG OFFR COMMON CRSE (LOCC) 19 Feb - 26 Mar 09
LOG OFFR COMMON CRSE (LOCC) 19 Feb - 26 Mar 09
LOGISTICS OFFICER PH 4 - LAND (LOCL)           2 Apr-15 May 08
LOGISTICS OFFICER PH 4 - LAND (LOCL) (F) 29 Jul - 12 Sep 08
LOGISTICS OFFICER PH 4 - LAND (LOCL)         29 Jul - 12 Sep 08

I'll check the CFSAL site again today for any update and let you know. Either way, work with what your SEM is telling you, they're the one that will be doing your messages anyway.

Just hung up from my SEM and Phase 3 is from 16 June 20 to 23 July and Phase 4 29 July to 12 Sept
As off 1200 hrs today, no changes to the training calendar for CFSAL.

Sorry to revive a dead topic.....

Wook do you have any idea what phase II for Air Logs entails? Those that are Army go to CAP, while my phase II is titled "Air LOG" and offered in Borden?

Any info much appreciated.
ummm...I'm going to guess it involves things like room service ordering techniques, ball room etiquite and weather forcasting  ;D :P
(sorry, couldn't resist)

Sorry, but I have no idea what Air PhII do. I do have a bud that went blue, he's in Greenwood now, I'll send him an email and see what he's got to say.

Just an update to the thread;

For those who are completing BOTC (or BOMQ as it is referred to now) anytime after 28-Nov-08 don't expect to see any phase training until summer of 2010.

I'll keep you posted if I hear more in the coming months.
What is the rationale behind that?  Backlog? Time needed for the implementation of the new courses/ware? 
MJP said:
What is the rationale behind that?  Backlog? Time needed for the implementation of the new courses/ware? 

A little bit from column A, and a little from column B as I understand it. CFSAL is pretty busy these days and they are changing the way they are going to conduct Log-O phase training with people like me getting caught in the middle. Still not sure what's supposed to happen to me.
Hmm I wonder where that leaves me too as technically I have CAP and should have equivivlency for BOTC.  Not that it reallys matters to me anyway as I won't be out of school until 2012ish so I can stand to wait for my phases.  Hopefully I know sooner rather than later so I can plan for childcare and EWAT over the summer.
MJP said:
Hmm I wonder where that leaves me too as technically I have CAP and should have equivivlency for BOTC.  Not that it reallys matters to me anyway as I won't be out of school until 2012ish so I can stand to wait for my phases.  Hopefully I know sooner rather than later so I can plan for childcare and EWAT over the summer.

I would get a hold of your Career Manager soonest. The CM can give you the latest on whats happening with Log O trg. For example, I was just recently told that this summer I'll be on OJT as opposed to a posting to a Svc Battalion right away and may do my specialty training (Tn, Sup etc) before LOC-L (which starts in late summer) so that I am employable (although not necessarily employed as) a Pl Comd right out of trg. Will that happen? Who knows.
Only LOG O Courses I can see right now on the National Calendar is a Reserve Land Course.
The "national calendar" posted by CTC Gagetown only lists courses that CTC Gagetown would be involved with.  The Log career manager in Ottawa handles the Reg F officer side, so those courses are never listed on the CT version of the calendar.

You could go to Borden on the DIN (CMP -> CDA -> CFSTG -> CFSAL), but they only have the 08/09 calendar posted...
Piper said:
I would get a hold of your Career Manager soonest. The CM can give you the latest on whats happening with Log O trg. For example, I was just recently told that this summer I'll be on OJT as opposed to a posting to a Svc Battalion right away and may do my specialty training (Tn, Sup etc) before LOC-L (which starts in late summer) so that I am employable (although not necessarily employed as) a Pl Comd right out of trg. Will that happen? Who knows.

This is what seems to be happening. We just had one guy from our unit begin his specialty training this week in Borden with no previous LOG phases whatsoever. However, unless you are slated for deployment or vitally need the course I doubt you'll see this type of training over the summer. The only reason he was loaded on phase 4 was because he is currently on the 2010 MSS to Mirage, and thus needs to be pushed through the training system if he is to be deemed deployable.

For the rest of us, its just a waiting game. A huge backlog of trainees exist in the training system right now. Training is offered based on priority (above situation), and otherwise based on your number in the waiting list. Hence, the later you complete your time in St Jean, the later you can plan on going to Borden.
zorro said:
This is what seems to be happening. We just had one guy from our unit begin his specialty training this week in Borden with no previous LOG phases whatsoever. However, unless you are slated for deployment or vitally need the course I doubt you'll see this type of training over the summer. The only reason he was loaded on phase 4 was because he is currently on the 2010 MSS to Mirage, and thus needs to be pushed through the training system if he is to be deemed deployable.

For the rest of us, its just a waiting game. A huge backlog of trainees exist in the training system right now. Training is offered based on priority (above situation), and otherwise based on your number in the waiting list. Hence, the later you complete your time in St Jean, the later you can plan on going to Borden.

Actually, there isn't a giant backlog in Log O trg. There is one (like any other trade) but not huge by any stretch of the imagination.

They are delaying Log O trg for you folks because they are in the middle of a change in how they conduct the trg and they want to decrease the number of people caught in the middle (like me). Not because it's offered on a priority basis. Where did you hear this? My info comes directly from the CM.
Piper said:
I would get a hold of your Career Manager soonest. The CM can give you the latest on whats happening with Log O trg. For example, I was just recently told that this summer I'll be on OJT as opposed to a posting to a Svc Battalion right away and may do my specialty training (Tn, Sup etc) before LOC-L (which starts in late summer) so that I am employable (although not necessarily employed as) a Pl Comd right out of trg. Will that happen? Who knows.

I am honestly not worried about it as I have a few summers left before I am out of school and employable anyway.  That and I really have no desire to go on the first iterations of any new course :)  Better someone that is just finishing up and ready for their posting to a line unit than me.  I'll gladly do some local EWAT and play rugby all summer.
Piper said:
Actually, there isn't a giant backlog in Log O trg. There is one (like any other trade) but not huge by any stretch of the imagination.

They are delaying Log O trg for you folks because they are in the middle of a change in how they conduct the trg and they want to decrease the number of people caught in the middle (like me). Not because it's offered on a priority basis. Where did you hear this? My info comes directly from the CM.

As I said, training for some phases is being offered based on priority. Eg., situation with my co-worker who is deploying next year with MSS. He has no LOG phase and is currently in Borden doing his phase 4. Why is he doing phase 4 now? Not because he's caught in the middle, because its the only course they could fit him into and he needs to be phase trained up to phase 4 to be deployed.

It seems our two definitions of "huge" and "backlog" are very different, because I stand by what I just said.

My information comes from a LCol, not a CM, but suffice to say a credible source.