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  1. The Dunnminator

    Undergrad degree in kinesiology

    Maybe physical education? usually it's longer though. I don't understand why they are cutting this option, for me physical fitness is one key aspect for every CF member. I'm glad I was lucky to get in early enough.
  2. The Dunnminator

    Undergrad degree in kinesiology

    I'm in my 3rd year of my kinesiology degree under the ROTP program as a pilot. I never heard anything about it not being acceptable.
  3. The Dunnminator

    CT -- Reserves into ROTP/RMC (merged)

    You will receive the same pay and benefits as if you were transferring as an ncm, your private pay scale depending on how much time you are getting credited, 1 day per day of class B and 1 day per 3 days of class A.
  4. The Dunnminator

    Michael Coren: "Caring for Karine"

    Excellent point, I spoke about this article with one of my friends who was really close to Karine. He comes from the same small village, we both went to school with her, he has the same age and he joined at the same time as her and knew her from his early childhood. What sickens him, and myself...
  5. The Dunnminator

    Trooper Karine Blais - 12e Régiment blindé du Canada - 4 wounded in Afghanistan - Tues 14 Apr 2009

    She comes form the same place as me, her nam didn't tell me anything but looking at the pictures I remembered that I went to school with her (she was a year older). Ironic that I didn't learn she was a fellow cf member until she died. Anyway, R.I.P Karine
  6. The Dunnminator

    University Training Plan NCM (UTPNCM) 2005 - 2018 [Merged]

    That's what I did and I honestly think that it is the best thing to do, it has helped me a lot so far and I am sure that it helped me get in because of the valuable experience and it also gives you the opportunity to show that you can be competent and get good course reports which I am sure...
  7. The Dunnminator

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    You will sign the contract later this summer, they will contact you back about it.
  8. The Dunnminator

    Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP)-RMC 2000 - 2018 [Merged]

    One more year of free education and pensionnable time for me sure isn't a bad thing.
  9. The Dunnminator

    ROTP 2009-10 RMC Networking

    Yeah but it's RMC St-Jean, not RMCC St-Jean, even for kingston the official acronym is simply RMC. Usually people uses CMR to refer to St-Jean but it's only the french acronym, I don't know why.
  10. The Dunnminator

    MOC Assignment Interview

    I did, it's very similar to the enrolment one, it's not that long, about 45 minutes since there are some questions they don't have to reask you. Know your trade, what is the formation in order to be qualified and be ready to answer some questions about yourself. Wear proper dress too obviously.
  11. The Dunnminator

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    It went great, it's pretty similar to the other ones. Know your trade and it'll go great.
  12. The Dunnminator

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    Haha, don't apologize for this. But yeah, the interviews have to be done by the end of march and my guess is that there is going to be a selection board that'll take the final decision.
  13. The Dunnminator

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    Ok, you scared me for a bit, I am in the ROTP since last year (going for pilot too) and I had another interview to get my trade assigned today. I would have found it unfair if you had your trade assigned before me. But anyway, congratulation on your acceptance!
  14. The Dunnminator

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    For Pilot or Air operations?
  15. The Dunnminator

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    You are talking like the top people go to RMC and the rest goes to the other school but a lot of people applying for ROTP are choosing not to go to RMC. The applicants straight out of high school from Québec are going to CMRSJ. You simply can't calculate your chances of going to RMC since you...
  16. The Dunnminator

    14-time gold medal winner Michael Phelps caught with Cannabis pipe

    Ruin his career? don't be ridiculous, athletes and rockstars have made much much worse an that, sugar ray leonard was on coke most of his carreer and he is still considered one of the best boxers of all-time. Randy Moss too smoked. To me that's a not a big deal.
  17. The Dunnminator

    Fun at RMC?

    I am in civy-u and I'm having a great time but I am sure that I would have a lot of fun at RMC too. Probably not the same kind of fun but it's not like there was only one way to be happy. Do what you think will be the best for you, to me it's like there is no wrong choice.
  18. The Dunnminator


    Hehe, I already learned that from the army reserve. We'd also say that logic stops where the army begins.
  19. The Dunnminator


    Actually that's what I was saying, injuries usually comes from not using proper form and the belt makes it easier to have proper form. You can deadlift without a belt if you do it with proper technique without risking much more injuries than by wearing one. I would recommend using a belt simply...
  20. The Dunnminator

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    There is a few ROTP Ocdt in Mount Allison, about six or seven I think, however we are only two at the Université de Moncton right now.