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  1. M

    SPAM / PHISHING email rec'd

    Hey Mike,  i just emailed you the whole email i received with the address it was sent from, i'm sure the culprit has a few addresses to use, but at least we can start blocking them as they come in.
  2. M

    Soldiers of the First World War

    Hey i just happened to read this posting.. i know its old.. but .. oh well.. you asked a question and i see it wasn't answered for you.  According to some info i gathered while reading the achival website, the C.E.F. did draft in 1917.. so if Danno's grandfather did join up in 1917 or after ...
  3. M

    A Challenge-Adopt a Troop

    well i just adopted a soldier by signing onto the canadian angels website.... might be too late to get anything for christmas but i wasn't going to let that deter me.. besides we all have to remember our soldiers year round not just during the holidays!!! look forward to writing  and sending a...
  4. M

    Is there any hope for a relationship??

    hey Jenn..well i think you've heard it all from the rest of the gang...if it's meant to be , it will be! Relationships take work no matter what ...no matter who you are or what you're doing , you have to work at relationships...it's a give and take deal. I have friends who are in the military ...
  5. M


    well here's my 2 cents to that question ex-dragoon.... i'm 33 right now, and i have always wanted to join the military, but other things in life pushed that aside for awhile. I'm now in the process of getting it together to join , not because i think that it is the only way to make my life...
  6. M

    Poll: How often do you exercise?

    usually 4 times a week .. sometimes 5 if my time allows it, i have a very busy schedule. Trying to work on getting my cardio in at least 5 times a week..god knows i need to !!
  7. M

    young people are so soft these days

    yes micheal, i suppose you are right, every generation probably thought that the upcoming generations have it way too easy. I remember the stories (i'm sure you have all heard them too) from my father and mother of how they all had to walk to school 10 miles, all up hill, in the freezing rain...
  8. M

    What is your military status?

    civillian.....trying to get her**** in shape to join the army
  9. M

    Rememberance Day Rage

    haha thats too funny michael and so very true...
  10. M

    Rememberance Day Rage

    Cellphones, cellphones, cellphones.....ughhhh. I know that they are handy for emergencies , and people on the road alot with work, but really! People have to realize that there is a time and place for them, it is not necessary for your phone to be on all the time. I do not have one, that is my...
  11. M

    young people are so soft these days

    Today i went down to the local rememberance day parade in penetang...it was definitely moving to see all the vets that were out to remember their fallen comrades. But i have one comment to make... while standing there observing the ceremonies, i heard alot of young people (15-30 something of...
  12. M

    Thank you to all those who serve now and have served before you

    I just want to send a thank you out to all the men and women serving in our forces today ! You fight for peace and freedom throughout the world just as our forefathers did. Today as we remember those that fought and died for us, lets not forget all of you who carry on the tradition !! God bless...
  13. M

    Joining Reg Force Armour

    hey thanks m_a_c... it would be great to find out some info...i tried your msn link but it was temporarily unavailable, so i'll try again sometime or you can email me at maggiemagooo4@hotmail.com Any info would be great, and it's nice to get it first hand from someone who has been in the field
  14. M

    looking for info. on grandfathers battalion

    wow, you guys are amazing you know that!!!!  Thank you for replying so fast to my request for info.! I went to the link in collections canada and found the actually attestation papers my grandfather signed (twice) when he joined,it gave me goosebumps. My grandfather was so intent on signing up...
  15. M

    looking for info. on grandfathers battalion

    hey thanks for the reply michael....but you'll have to excuse my ignorance.. but what does CEF mean..and where can i find info on this battalion???
  16. M

    looking for info. on grandfathers battalion

    hey guys!!!  I'm not sure if this belongs in this post, if not please feel free to move it. I am looking for info on the battalion that my grandfather served in during ww1. The info that i have is ... 58 battalion canadian CEF......he was from the st. catherines area, was this battalion from...
  17. M

    looking for hiking clubs or hiking partners

    thanks shortbus... where are you anyways??? i saw your profile and noticed that you are in armour..bery cool, it's what i'm looking into joining for, we could have talked about a few things.
  18. M

    Joining Reg Force Armour

    thanks for the reply .. i sent you out an email on msn.. hope to hear from you soon
  19. M

    looking for hiking clubs or hiking partners

    thanks for replying... i have tried talking to a couple of outdoor stores, but most of their hiking clubs are run during the summer months only. I guess i'll keep looking... thanks again
  20. M

    looking for hiking clubs or hiking partners

    hey guys!!! I'm looking to join a hiking club or hook up with some people , in or around the barrie area who like to keep active and do some hiking. I thought that maybe there might be some activity coming out of Borden for that kind of stuff. I hate hanging around the house on weekends and none...