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Rememberance Day Rage


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I nearly had a case of Rememberance Day rage today.

I was at the Rememberance Day ceremonies today at the cenotaph in Prince George.   During the two minutes of silence this ******* not only answers his cellphone but carries on a full on conversation.   I could feel my cheeks turning red and I really wanted to walk up to him and say a few words (my brother said I should've walked up and snapped his cellphone shut, which didn't occur to me at the time but would've been fitting :threat:) but I wasn't about to walk over during the silence, or during the service for that matter.   Unfortunately he escaped after the ceremony before I could speak with him.   I cannot fathom how anyone could be so disrespectful, especially having made the effort to attend the ceremony in the first place.   To quote my grandfather when I told him: "Well then why the **** was that son of a ***** even there!" my grandfather has a way with words.  

One thing that was more disappointing than anything was the Cadet's drill.   Now I am a civillian and I don't claim to be a drill expert, but I do know the difference between marching and random walking.   The cadets from all three services during the parade looked more like a group of similarly dressed kids walking down the middle of the street than anything associated with the military.   It was truly pathetic.   The St. John's Ambulance people had far superior drill to the cadets.   Due to work this is my first Rememberance Day ceremony in a couple of years and I remember the Cadet's drill used to be quite good.

My hat goes off to this drummer from the Legion Pipes and Drums band though (their drill was excellent by the way) during a left wheel he dropped his drumstick, and while staying in step, and without missing a beat he swooped down, picked up his stick and immediately was back with his band   :salute:    

Overall though I do have to say that the legion did a great job of the ceremony.   As always.
I_Drive_Planes said:
My hat goes off to this drummer from the Legion Pipes and Drums band though (their drill was excellent by the way) during a left wheel he dropped his drumstick, and while staying in step, and without missing a beat he swooped down, picked up his stick and immediately was back with his band  :salute:  .

Id like to see kieth moon pull that one off!

as for cell phones during the ceremony...... ARRGGG!!!
i was a part of the cenotaph as a guard. During the 2 minutes of silence an officer standing on the podium's phone goes off! Well... at least it was a normal ring tone and not a cheap version of a snoop dogg song or britney spears or i would have just lost it... Fixed bayonet action if you know what im saying
Talking about fixed bayonet and rememberance day, i almost poked myself in the eyes with it during a present arms when my C7 got stuck in my tactical vest  :o
Cadet drill is a cross we all have to bear - senior cadets are often just as good as trained reserve soldiers (perhaps even Regulars) - sometimes even better, if it is something their corps really concentrates on. However, there are many very young cadets, some from rural corps with not as much guidance in matters of drill, and so while that is perhaps not an excuse, one is inclined to forgive them.  I note that long hair is also more common in "rural" cadet corps.  One tends to take it with a grain of salt; given the attitude of many in junior high and high school towards organizations like the cadets, one is often simply happy to see youngsters still taking an interest.

Higher standards would attract a higher calibre of recruit - but of course even the Regular Army has problems with drawing the line between exclusivity and wide appeal.

However, anyone inclined to complain about cadet drill - and I don't mean this in a nasty way - is certainly free to volunteer their services to their local corps as a drill instructor, or to join the local parents support groups for the cadets and be part of the solution rather than part of the problem. ;-)

Like in the reserves, time spent doing drill once a week is often time lost for doing something else in a tight training schedule.  There is also the issue of retention if Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday etc. night parade simply becomes a 3 hour drill lecture.  And, sadly enough, it is often the case that for one or two nights before a ceremonial function, all that is done is drill and it still ends up looking not great.

As for the cell phone, I think it is truly horrific and I would have grabbed the phone and pitched it as far as I could, preferably onto a nearby rooftop.  Simply incredible.
Michael Dorosh said:
As for the cell phone, I think it is truly horrific and I would have grabbed the phone and pitched it as far as I could, preferably onto a nearby rooftop.  Simply incredible.
I'd do that, or chuck it on the ground and stamp it under my heel.
Absolutely disgusting.
How rude can today's society possibly get?
If he was going to answer his bloody phone in the middle of the TWO MINUTE SILENCE, (for the love of God, people!) then why was he even there in the first place? What a moron.

Furthermore, if he used the excuse "Oh it was an important call," I would have spat in his face.
I remember another experience quite like that during my school's ceremonies, (in which I was proud to bear the Canadian flag,) where during the two minutes of silence some kid decides to jump up and down. As I recall he was in grade 4. And he wasn't mentally handicapped. He just jumped up and down and smiled. After I asked him what he was doing, (using more colourful language, mind you,) and he said, "I wanted to see the front." .... He learned a lesson or two that day.

Other than that, it's good you didn't move/talk/ect during the ceremony. You showed everyone you had the decency to keep your cool and concentrate on what really matters.

Well, that was today's rant...

Well, I heard my fair share of cell phones also, but another thing that gets me....during the moment of silence...one person coughs, then another, then another, next thing you know you have a bunch of coughing and weezing morons standing infront of you when they're supposed to be quiet, it's not that hard to hold it in. As for the drill, as a cadet yes I can say it's bad, and dont get me wrong in no way am I a drill expert, but there was cadets that had never learned how to march untill we were at the cenotaph :o :o :o. and here's the final kicker, people insisted on talking through the whole thing. It was downright embarassing, but you cant exactly turn around in ranks to tell someone to shut the f*ck up. End rant
Cellphones, cellphones, cellphones.....ughhhh. I know that they are handy for emergencies , and people on the road alot with work, but really! People have to realize that there is a time and place for them, it is not necessary for your phone to be on all the time. I do not have one, that is my choice, people know how to get ahold of me if it is important. If they can't reach me , it's because i don't want to be reached, i am doing something important to me, where i don't want to be interupted by my friends or family wondering what i'm doing. I have heard phones go off at church, meetings, and even while out hiking. I am a leader in a ranger group(girl guides) and i have had girls answer phones during our meetings, they also sit there and play games on the damn things. Why be there? Go home and hang with your friends who keep calling!!
I have wanted to grab a few and throw them... the thought of getting a punch to the face for that stops me though..lol
Ah well.. the joys and sorrows of our modern techno lives...
And to the many legions out there who do a great job with the rememberance day ceremonies, thank you! They always do a fantastic job!!!
My Pl went to one of the legions for Remeberance Day yesterday, and although we weren't parading, we were prperly formed up behind the crowd for the ceremonies. I was in the front rank, and it boggled my mind to see people cutting through the 1.5 meters between myself and the CO during the ceremonies, whilst we're standing at attention.
That is so terrible for anyone to carry a conversation during the two minutes.  What is even worst is the people directly around the moron did not nudge him or ask him to turn the damn thing off.  Although that would only result in more commotion and probably resistance from the cell phone user.  Hence the two minutes of silence would quickly become two minutes of ugly arguing with hundreds or thousands of people watching and listening.

It is probably best that you couldn't tell the guy to turn it off...it could have turned very ugly very quickly.
I always love the Walmart parking lot when some human paraquat comes walking out the door to his car, dressed in baggy gym pants, sandals, a muscle shirt, hasn't shaved, bathed or cut his hair in a month, wearing a fanny pack mostly hidden by his beer gut - and you see him talking on his cell phone, because HE IS SUCH AN IMPORTANT HUMAN BEING he just couldn't possibly wait the 30 seconds it would take to get to his car, or the 5 minutes it would take to drive his 1985 rusted out Chevy pickup home.

I always wonder just what it is those guys are saying and who they are saying it to.
There was a catfight at Billy Bishops when I was there Remembrance Day afternoon.

From what I saw the staff had cleared the chairs so the band could play upstairs, and I guess this one chick wanted to get closer to the band so she squeezed in behind the band, where the chairs were cleared.

I heard the woman who was behind her say " you shouldn't stand so close to the band, give them more room, thats why they cleared the chairs away." and the chick slapped the woman right when the band was playing, then the woman shoved her back into another woman and that woman punched the first woman in the back! Luckily it was a quick scuffle and they stopped (the band continued playing). First fight I've seen actually break out INSIDE the Billy!