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  1. Molyno

    JANUARY BMQ ALL Locations

    I would think that the last few post don't belong here. Maybe in the Basic Training section... I would like to know who is going to BMQ in January...
  2. Molyno

    The "Wanting To Join Another Military" Thread- Them To Us- Us To Them

    I, of course, am not an expert in the area... But, I would assume that if you meet all the criteria for enrollment in the CF there would be no issues. 1.) Be a Canadian Citizen (if your not, you have a few steps to take with Immigration Canada) 2.) Minimum Grade 10 level of education. (you...
  3. Molyno

    best times in cadets

    My best memory in Air Cadets is a mix of two... 1.) First ride in a Glider.... 2.) First time shooting my Lee Enfield .303 Rifle Good times.
  4. Molyno

    JANUARY BMQ ALL Locations

    Im from Belleville. Near CFB Trenton. Im about three hours east of Toronto. Going PPCLI.
  5. Molyno

    Infantry Specialties

    If this is the case and some of these "specialties" and/or "advanced MOC trainings" dont exist anymore, is there a way to get the updated list?
  6. Molyno

    JANUARY BMQ ALL Locations

    Alright! This is starting to sound like a pretty full house in Borden. Good luck to all, see you soon.
  7. Molyno

    Infantry Specialties

    I think I actually found it... If anyone is interested, I beleive this is the list or courses/specialties. http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/30899/post-218150.html#msg218150 Enjoy.
  8. Molyno

    Infantry Specialties

    Hi, After searching the almighty Google and these forums, I cant seem to get much info on Infantry Specialties such as "Para, sniper" etc... Dont know if this is because of a security issue, or just non interest. But if someone could show where this info is, would be appreciated. Thanks
  9. Molyno

    JANUARY BMQ ALL Locations

    I've been notified of 5 January 2008 BMQ at CFB Borden as Infantry NCM.
  10. Molyno

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Took me about 3 1/2 months... would have been faster but they forgot about me... I called the 1-800 number on the recruiting website. They answered the phone and looked into my file and said "No one called you?" LOL. I called my CFRC and from then on it was really quick. Give them a call if...
  11. Molyno

    Transcript Question.

    When I needed my transcripts, I just called the school board. They asked my mailing address and I had them 5 days later. Free of charge. Again, another small town.
  12. Molyno

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruting Center: CFRC Kingston Component: Reg Force NCM Trade Choice 1: Infantry, PPCLI Trade Choice 2:N/A Trade Choice 3:N/A Application Date: September 9, 2008 First Contact: September 16, 2008 CFAT: Completed, September 29, 2008 Medical:  Passed, 10 November 2008 Interview: 10 Noember 2008...