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best times in cadets

I have aged out from Air Cadet a few years ago.

My best time in cadet was being in the Colour/Flag Party. I went from holding the Canadian flag to 2IC to commander; the experience made me proud of being in cadet and being a Canadian, which probably acted as a catalyst in my joining the Reserve.

Some other nice memories include volunteering with the US CAP cadets at the Arlington airshow and building/sleeping in snow cave during a winter ex.
My best memory in Air Cadets is a mix of two...

1.) First ride in a Glider....

2.) First time shooting my Lee Enfield .303 Rifle

Good times.
What are some of the best times I've ever had in Cadets? Drill and Navigation. Drill is what fuels me, Drill is in my blood, it IS my blood.
all the night navigation exercises and the summer that i did my parachutist course. Really brings the army to army cadets
i always wanted to do para but my CO wouldnt sign off on me doing spring concentration due to his idea of what does you doing para do for the core :salute:
Molyno said:
My best memory in Air Cadets is a mix of two...

1.) First ride in a Glider....

2.) First time shooting my Lee Enfield .303 Rifle

Good times.


Even though that was AGES ago.

Also, our trip to Halifax in 95 and staying in A Block, man... those were good times.
Quadra 1975, overnight sail in the cutters.  Never saw so many green faces in my life!
1) Running a .303 rifle range on my own, on a regular basis, at the age of 16
2) Watching Polar Bears tracking our patrol on Cornwallis Island through the rifle scope of our Ranger guide
3) Section Bren gunner during platoon attacks at Stanford Plain Training Area
4) Raiding the local air and sea cadet corps buildings, stealing their stair cases, and hiding them in the woods
5) Sailing across Bennet Lake in the Yukon, and digging the world's largest pit toilet in the same area
6) Flying from Vancouver to Edmonton in a C47 Dakota and watching the condensation stream in as we passed over the Rockies
7) Brutal floor hockey games
8) Getting paid to do most of the above when my peers were dicking around working at the local Dairy Queen, or something equally cheesy  ;D
Expo 67- I was CO of a regiment of cadets from Atlantic Provinces that went to Expo 67 in Montreal.
The Regimental Band was from Nfld. and we stayed at Farnam, Quebec.

We were given unlimited access to all the sites within Expo 67. That was my last year and best year with cadets. Reserves and Regs, would follow.
doing CLI - Drill and Ceremonial and making it on the 150 man guard this year. Also firing feu de joi with the guard hell yeah
Cadet [Insert Random Name] said:
When I finally figured out how NOT to bear march.

Then again, I've only been a cadet for 3 weeks.

Don't worry about it.. soon you'll be wondering how it was ever possible to bear march at all!

Best times in cadets?
The survival instructor's course this past summer and seeing cadets that I trained get sworn in, promoted etc.
stealthylizard said:
Am I missing something here?  "sworn in" ???
QR and O (Cadets) Para 4.02
When a person becomes a cadet he or she shall make the following promise:
"I (name in full) hereby afirm my loyalty to her Majesty the Queen, her heirs and successors"
The promise prescribed in this article shall be administered by a cadet instructor or any other commissioned officer.
