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Search results

  1. S

    Housing in Goose Bay???

    Hey all! We are wondering about our posting. In goose bay... Does anyone that lives up there have any details? I heard that the pmqs or rhus are all new? Is this true?Also how is the price of heating in the winter there? I hope not to devistating!!
  2. S

    Borden Thread- Merged

    Does anyone know if those who graduate from basic can have a pmq for their families in borden during their occupational training? He is going to be doing the MP training which is 6 month. And we were told before hand yes if the training is long enough but he asked about it in quebec yesterday...
  3. S

    CFHA Residential Housing Unit (RHU)-old PMQ [MERGED]

    I have a few questions. Hopefully someone can shed some light. My common-law husband (waiting on that proposal lol) is in basic right now he's doing as good as can be expected. He's never had to be away from our son (just turned 10 months yesterday) for more then four days. But we are proud. He...