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Borden Thread- Merged

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Bumping up an old thread....

Is there any wireless hotspots in CFB Borden where someone can get onto the internet? Here in Pet, there is the kitchn and Tims on base, free paid for by base...anything of the sort there?

IIRC, you can get internet at the Snr NCO's Mess.  Don't know if it's wireless or not.

Here's one place in Barrie.
Having just returned from 3 weeks in Borden, and needing internet access for civie work, there is no wireless hot spot in Borden.  The Officers' Mess does have several General Purpose computer which can access webmail.
I'm renewing my security clearance and I need to know what the street adress of bb150 was (The one of the 2 big ones were most of the students lived.)  I take it the street number is 150??  I google mapped it and it doesn't show a street name, but it is off of Lundy Ln.  Anyone remember the street name??  Would be greatly appreciated...

If you stayed in the shacks - just put BB150, Room 1234, CFB Borden. 

The CSIS agents will be able to figure it out.
Prison lane.....

But really, I just put down Harvard Crescent for all my important info.
Apologies on dredging up an old topic but I assume it'll be more sensible than creating a new post.

My question is regarding single accomodations, not PMQ as while at Borden my wife will be staying in Nova Scotia. I'm trying to find information regarding the style of living while in the (barracks?) at Borden while I am attending the CFSATE.

How much privacy should I expect? Are they shared or is it designed as a bachelor layout? Am I allowed to have my own PC/television? Bookcase?

I have searched both this side and the CFHA to no avail.

jacob_ns said:
How much privacy should I expect?

As a general rule, you should always expect "none" and be pleasantly surprised if you have some.

When you first arrive here You will go to the shacks which is 4 per a room, once you start course then you go to the mods which is 2 to a room I believe. You can bring your PC but look for much privacy.
kwright15 said:
When you first arrive here You will go to the shacks which is 4 per a room, once you start course then you go to the mods which is 2 to a room I believe. You can bring your PC but look for much privacy.

So then it's like a dorm? Personal or shared bathrooms/showers?
Just wondering (Since this tread is about Borden!) If anyone knows what time the O and H club are open until during the week/on weekends. Thanks
Does anyone know if those who graduate from basic can have a pmq for their families in borden during their occupational training?

He is going to be doing the MP training which is 6 month. And we were told before hand yes if the training is long enough but he asked about it in quebec yesterday and they said "no one in training gets a pmq"

It is not likely.
Usually if a course is OVER 12 months will they be CONSIDERED for a PMQ. It is all dependent on availability at the Base, and recommendation of the course director.
He will need to get permission from his course. As for answers if a PMQ is available, the Borden CFHA office will be the best place to ask.
When I was there (left in Jan 08) you had to be there longer than six months to get a PMQ. Obviously that depended on the availability and your school giving you permission to do it. Most schools, from what I saw when I was there, were pretty good about it. As long as you weren't slacking off, showing up late, failing tests etc they probably let you stay at home. If that wasn't the case, you probably spent some time living in the shacks.
Hello ALL!!

Sorry if this topic sounds repetitive but I have look for it and couldn't find anything interesting yet.
Where can I find more info about the BMQ Borden, all I can find is info about BMQ SJean , they have videos (BASIC UP & Basic up Reload), the information on the school website, the topics here and other findings in google but than when I look for the info  about the Borden School & Training the information is close to minimal.

Any help? Links?

Thank you mates!!!

Cheers!! :cdn: