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  1. CSickness

    Basic Military Qualification - Naval Reserves - April 25 2010

    Hey there, I was wondering if anyone out there is also attending this course? My nerves are working overtime and I thought I come here and do some reading. Thanks for this (website) resource as it will make going to Basic less of a culture shock. I was also wondering if anyone had any tips...
  2. CSickness

    January 2010 BMQ

    Good luck to all you lucky gals and gents heading into Basic .. Mine will most likely be the April Course at Borden ... I have been told the key is to make nothing they do to you personal and to just play the game ... good luck!
  3. CSickness

    Supply Tech - merged

    I love the cubical pictures .. well done!
  4. CSickness

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    I thought it would be a good idea to update this .. Recruiting Center: CFRC Toronto (4900 Yonge St.) Regular/Reserves: Reserves (Changing To Reg Force Next Time I Attend CFRC) Officer/NCM: NCM Trade Choice 1: SUP TECH Trade Choice 2: RMS Clk Trade Choice 3: NAV COMM Application Date: 03 JUNE...
  5. CSickness


    After a few dates which were moved around by the Unit due to some unforeseen circumstances, I am officially sworn in as an Ordinary Seaman. I got a warm welcome to the unit by filling in stack of paperwork ... I will never forget my service number number .. I officially know what it means when...
  6. CSickness


    Thank you so much for the response! I am very excited that I will get to work on the Unit and begin learning all those things I will need to know before going off to Borden for my Basic Training. Great advice about the pen and paper .. which I bring everywhere with me anyways .. I like to be...
  7. CSickness


    I have a question along the same lines. I did a search and this post is the closest thing that I came up with for an answer. I went through Recruiting to join the Naval Reserves. I have since completed all the hoop jumping in the recruiting process and received a call indicating that my file...
  8. CSickness

    Hopefully at end of process?

    Does anyone know what the time frames are for hearing back from the CF's after being found 'fit' on your medical? I am very much looking forward to this experience however don't want to phone the recruiting centre and waste valuable time and effort of their personnel. Thanks for your time...
  9. CSickness

    Hopefully at end of process?

    Hey, I just wanted to post saying thanks a million for this post. I called the recruiting centre today and was informed that I have my medical had come back from Ottawa and was found 'fit'. They said I am just waiting to be Merit Listed currently. Hopefully I get a job offer in the next little...
  10. CSickness

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruiting Center: CFRC Toronto (4900 Yonge St.) Regular/Reserves: Reserves (Changing To Reg Force Next Time I Attend CFRC) Officer/NCM: NCM Trade Choice 1: SUP TECH Trade Choice 2: RMS Clk Trade Choice 3: NAV COMM Application Date: 03 JUNE 09 First Contact:  03 JUNE 09 CFAT: 22 JUNE 09...
  11. CSickness

    Here it is, my personal story.

    I too would also like to say thank you for your story. I have some of those 'wonderful' forms pending currently. I have to get some allergy testing to see if my peanut allergy is sever enough to require an epi-pen (I was given one 6 years ago but no testing). I also checked the migraine box off...
  12. CSickness

    Migraines (merged)

    Hello there, I am new to the forum. I had a question about headaches vs migraines. I had a medical done and it mostly didn't go well. I had put down on the form that I suffered from headaches/migraines ... and was given a form to have filled out by my Dr. Upon completion of the form by my Dr...