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So I was up at CFRC Toronto today with a friend, she was dropping some recruiting papers off. I asked about my application, and they said that according to their computer/file/etc that i was 'enrolled" with the unit. Bu to call the unit for more details. What do they mean? No one from the unit has called me or anything. I'm going to all them Wednesday, but in the meantime, I'm anxious to know what they meant. :P
rz350 said:
So I was up at CFRC Toronto today with a friend, she was dropping some recruiting papers off. I asked about my application, and they said that according to their computer/file/etc that i was 'enrolled" with the unit. Bu to call the unit for more details. What do they mean? No one from the unit has called me or anything. I'm going to all them Wednesday, but in the meantime, I'm anxious to know what they meant. :P

It means that your enrolment file has been sent to the reserve unit so go and see them.

I'v talked to them and everything seems good. I might be sworn in as a soon as june!
I have a question along the same lines. I did a search and this post is the closest thing that I came up with for an answer.

I went through Recruiting to join the Naval Reserves. I have since completed all the hoop jumping in the recruiting process and received a call indicating that my file has been 'wrapped up and shipped out to the unit'.

Friday I received a call indicating that I have an Enrolment date of Nov. 25, 2009. My question is this. The recruiting centre indicated that I have a Basic Training in either April or July. They indicated that it will most likely be April as I am not in school and have a flexible employer. The April course tends to be the harder course for them to fill in the Reserves as a larger percentage of recruits are in school. Now, if I enroll in the unit what does that mean? Do I enroll and then wait until April or June for Basic before I get to do anything? I heard from a friend of mine (who is Reg force and never served in the Reserves so he told me not to quote him) that when you Enroll, the unit allows you to work and train in the unit until your basic training. He had some fancy military term for this kinda person .. I can't remember what he called it now. Anyways, is this true? After enrolment even before Basic Training, will I work at the unit?

Thanks very much for the time you will take to respond to my question.

Future Navy Reservist.

I know it's early, but Welcome to the unit and to the Naval Reserve family. Bring along a pad of paper and pen to your enrollment ceremony. You will meet many people, including your pre-BMQ staff. They will be your immediate supervisors in your divisional system. You will also be informed of many items that I am certain you will forget, that is what the pen and paper will be for.  ;)

Your friend was correct in that you will train in unit with the other Pre-BMQ students. There are topics that you will be required to know before even leaving for your course (example: WHIMIS, First Aid, Ranks ect..) If you miss some of these required courses, it could affect when you are loaded onto a BMQ course. So if you are aiming for the April course, do your best not to miss the lectures the first time they are offered.

Thank you so much for the response!

I am very excited that I will get to work on the Unit and begin learning all those things I will need to know before going off to Borden for my Basic Training. Great advice about the pen and paper .. which I bring everywhere with me anyways .. I like to be very organised!

Crossing my fingers for April ...
After a few dates which were moved around by the Unit due to some unforeseen circumstances, I am officially sworn in as an Ordinary Seaman.

I got a warm welcome to the unit by filling in stack of paperwork ... I will never forget my service number number .. I officially know what it means when someone shouts 'Room' .. welcome aboard! I already love it ..

I hope all the others out there who are going through the recruiting process have a positive outcome and who knows, we might run into each other someday.