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  1. S

    Injury Question

    Thanks guys that makes me feel better to hear it from people that know...        and yeah Puckchaser.. I bet  I will be 120% before any open up!!        HAHAHH. I understand I have to tell the medics everything so would it be smart to maybe get a note from my doctor and all the needed documents...
  2. S

    Injury Question

    I am tottaly bummed out. I applied in 2009 and have been waiting since, knowing it could take a long time to get into any combat arms.  Anyways, I have had a 100% clean bill of health until a few months ago I strained a muscle in my forearm at work. Ive been on WCB for a few months now, doing...
  3. S

    Another Recruiting Tale...

    So, its been a long time. As things go when your heart is set on serving in the Infantry in Canada.  I am in no way on a high horse, I do not feel like I deserve to be given this job. Something like this is earned, and in this case it seems patience is the main factor. I have , since my last...
  4. S

    The world's "toughest" people

    " Are you okay?  No. You are not okay! " That womens voice of concern when that guy failed the backflip made me laugh.
  5. S


    How's things with that leg ?
  6. S

    Another Recruiting Tale...

    I think what I really meant by this was, "I am no longer letting my families over concern for my safety keep me from doing what I have wanted to do for a long time " As the main obstacle for me in this process so far has been bringing my choices out with my family. My wife had assumed I...
  7. S

    Opening Availabilities and The Best Way To Stay Current On Them

    If you read around its common that recruiting centers arent instantly in touch with each other. Meaning sometimes there is a delay in the relaying of recruited numbers, etc. If your recruiter said it was closed, its closed. Nothing anyone here can do... But rest assured your not the only one...
  8. S

    Another Recruiting Tale...

    So I mailed in my application package from Penticton to the recruiting center in Vancouver exactly 1 month 3 days ago. I applied for Infantry and Combat Engineer; after deciding I will have lots of time to pursue safer jobs when I am older. I turned 24 last month, and have been married for 3...
  9. S

    how does applying online differ?

    Not sure if your aware of this; but 031 ( Infantry ) is closed for recruiting and won't open until April 2010 when the new intake plans come out. I am currently in the process of applying, but I am aware I got quite a wait ahead of me. So, just to let you know, your putting your application...
  10. S

    I'll join to go to Afghanistan.

    Careful what you wish for.
  11. S

    Combat engineer closed?

    If you were looking for 285 Combat Engineers, how many Infantry were you looking for ?? :)
  12. S

    Combat engineer closed?

    Hmm, thats what I was applying for also. I may have more time to get ready then I planned. Also may switch back with my initial plan of waiting for a slot in the infantry. Def. got my best wishes in your goals!
  13. S

    Guys, I really need some advice about joining. Badly.

    I would agree with army cadets.  Also, give it your all in highschool.  Great grades and army cadets will put you in a really good place. So when your 18 and graduated, if your still focused to join the military, you will have a great head start. Don't be like me and drop out in grade 11...