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how does applying online differ?


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To those that filled out the app online, what's it like? You know all those documents(transcripts, Birth Cirtificate..etc) they ask for, do you just scan them in and attach them to the app?

second, I did the practice cfat test.  If I can do that, then the real one won't be much of a problem?
Idon't know about applying online, but the practise CFAT is a lighter version of what it really is. I wouldn't say the CFAT is hard, But a lot harder than the practise test.
Tomb32 said:
To those that filled out the app online, what's it like? You know all those documents(transcripts, Birth Certificate..etc) they ask for, do you just scan them in and attach them to the app?

second, I did the practice cfat test.  If I can do that, then the real one won't be much of a problem?

When you do the online application, it simply puts all of your information into our system prior to you coming in to the office. The central IT specialists will sort your application and forward it to your closest CFRC and about 4 days after your application goes in you will get a phone call from us asking you to come in with your supporting documentation.

You will still need to print out the extra forms from the downloads page, and you will still need to bring the originals of all your supporting documentation (birth cert, driver's licence, transcripts) in to the office. There will be no scanning or attaching anything.

The practice CFAT is a VERY simple version of the real thing ... you MUST go to the websites we give you and practice the tests / questions there!

That makes sense.

Though I must ask, is it okay if i give a photocopied version of my Birth Cert? You know as well as I do that giving out the original isn't a good idea(as I may never see it again).  And for the driver's licence, do I have to give it to them...for good? Or should i make a photocopy of it as well(and bring the original as well just in case)?

As for the CFAT, I knew the real deal wouldn't be that short or easy.  But I have done few IQ tests before. Each time I got over 100. Recent one being 125. I'm doing some more practice tests that i found from searching here.  But of course, i have to take the time into consideration, as there is only limited amount of time to do the CFAT.

The CFRC will want to see originals. They have a photocopier in the office and your ID (Birth Certificate, ect..) will be returned after being copied.
Tomb32 said:
Though I must ask, is it okay if i give a photocopied version of my Birth Cert? You know as well as I do that giving out the original isn't a good idea(as I may never see it again).  And for the driver's licence, do I have to give it to them...for good? Or should i make a photocopy of it as well(and bring the original as well just in case)?

Bring in your originals.  In all likelihood they will want to see the originals for verification, will photocopy them on the spot and then return the docs to you.
Bring the originals and they will take a photocopy, although being proactive and making a copy before hand will probably be appreciated.

I took my CFAT on Sept. 21st.  It wasn't horrible but it wasn't easy as the same time.  I'm not by any means dumb but I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed lol.  Keep practicing the links you can find in the forums and you should do A.O.K.  What are you applying for anyway?

Damn two replies while I was writing (and watching TV) this.
I'm applying for Infantry. I heard you don't need high marks on CFAT for this. However, I'm still nervous. Finished High School and did couple years of college. Decided to drop out(didn't like what I was doing anymore) so I could pursue a new life in CF. I'm very excited but at the same time very nervous.

As for the documents, that's good to hear. I will bring in all the originals. 
Not sure if your aware of this; but 031 ( Infantry ) is closed for recruiting and won't open until April 2010 when the new intake plans come out.

I am currently in the process of applying, but I am aware I got quite a wait ahead of me. So, just to let you know, your putting your application into a back log. It's good to have something else on the go until you get that job offer.

I do know that actually. However, since the process can take around 6 months, by that time it'll be April. Infantry is what I really want to do.  But if I choose something like Armoured soldier and get into Basic early, and after Basic, will I be able to switch over to Infantry if I get a job offer there as well?

I was thinking of putting just Infantry on the app and no other trades. But you think I should put Armoured Soldier there as well, since it's the closest thing to Infantry?
erll my process took a wopping 5 weeks. to my understanding, you cannot change your MOC until you've fulfilled your previous contract. When i was therethey will offer you other trades if it is or isn't on your list. The only job like Infantry is Infantry. If aromoured is what you think is interestingg ( besides infantry) than put it.
Young.Alex said:
erll my process took a wopping 5 weeks. to my understanding, you cannot change your MOC until you've fulfilled your previous contract. When i was therethey will offer you other trades if it is or isn't on your list. The only job like Infantry is Infantry. If aromoured is what you think is interestingg ( besides infantry) than put it.

Really? Cause I've read that you can transfer to another trade once enlisted. Not to say how long it'll take or the demanding of less or more people in one trade or another.  The thing is, it's a risky choice to just put Infantry and wait until April hoping to find out that you got in, as like other people are. And I don't think I could wait until 2011 for next batch of spots to open. Don't want to work a crappy civi job for too long. 
I'm searching around for more info on AS.  It's kind of interesting. But my heart is still set on Infantry. Oh well, we'll see how things go when I get called down.

and your process took 5 weeks? That's sweet.  When did you apply? And Where did you apply?
Tomb32 said:
Really? Cause I've read that you can transfer to another trade once enlisted. Not to say how long it'll take or the demanding of less or more people in one trade or another.

You can apply for a trade transfer once you've completed the requirements of both the trade you're in and have the requirements of the trade you want to transfer to.  It's not guaranteed (like anything in life) that you will get the transfer.  In most cases, you have to wait at least three years before you can even apply.

Use "OT" or "remuster" or "trade transfer" with the search function to find out more.
PMedMoe said:
You can apply for a trade transfer once you've completed the requirements of both the trade you're in and have the requirements of the trade you want to transfer to.  It's not guaranteed (like anything in life) that you will get the transfer.  In most cases, you have to wait at least three years before you can even apply.

Use "OT" or "remuster" or "trade transfer" with the search function to find out more.

Keep in mind one thing. Intake into Infantry is full now, because the training system is clogged with Infantry-to-be. This situation may remain for quite some time. This situation will likely drastically reduce the number of people they are willing to accept for an occupational transfer to Infantry. Why would they, after all, let you transfer to infantry, when they've got more recruits banging down the doors of the CFRCs than they can train, wanting to get in? Instead, it would likely be in the CF's best interest to keep you in the trade that you enrolled as, as it likely a higher combination of requirement of personnel and capability to train you.
Apologies for the hijack/

Yesterday, my unit recruiter had the priviledge of speaking with an applicant who claimed to be the King of Iran.  He has apparently applied on-line at CFRC Toronto, but cannot make any phone enquiries because he fears for his safety. I wonder if I should have piped him as he crossed the brow...

Over to you Otis and FDO...my recruiter will brief you accordingly...I am locking the doors now

Hijack ended/

and your process took 5 weeks? That's sweet.  When did you apply? And Where did you apply?

Iapplied at CFRC Mississauga, I started at the start of September.
applying online vs applying in person at a CFRC isn't much different, I myself applied online and i got an email from one of the recruiters roughly two days later saying that i need to fill out the REAL application then just fax it to them. i did that then i was scheduled for my aptitude test and all the other stuff a week later. so it doesn't really make a difference which one you go for because either way...the military will get your information and start you in the application process. so good luck to you my friend! :salute: