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  1. RogersD

    Carrying non military issue knives

    I have the double locking variant of this knife (M16-13DSFG) and it is truly a great tool.
  2. RogersD

    North Korea (Superthread)

    Had read the above article a few hours ago. Scary stuff.
  3. RogersD

    Any favourite BMQ memories?

    Putting a pink razor, some sort of pink guava shaving cream, and a panda bear toothbrush in my drawer for one of the inspections half way through the course. There was no way we were going to pass the room inspection and they made such a fuss about it that they didn't notice the other mishaps in...
  4. RogersD

    At the pub

    Thanks for the reply! I've read a bunch of your stuff on here and I was hoping that you would respond to my post. My friend saw him this evening and confronted him about the situation and indeed brought up the issue of professionalism (or lack there of). The guy apologized and that was that. He...
  5. RogersD

    At the pub

    Thanks for the post. So I shouldn't head to cowboys in full dress? Kidding. I left Edm a year ago but will be going back for courses in a couple of months. Thanks again.
  6. RogersD

    At the pub

    At first I could just tell by the way he was speaking. Not wanting our egos to be bruised that badly we left, changed into civvy clothes and went back to drink... not something we had intended on doing in the first place. On the way back my friend asked me why one of the workers at the pub would...
  7. RogersD

    At the pub

    Thank you kindly for the post. I'll check those out.
  8. RogersD

    At the pub

    Thanks a bunch for the reply. It sets me at ease. The whole situation still irks me. Not the message so much as how he went about it. Thanks again.
  9. RogersD

    At the pub

    Hello all, I’ve tried searching up my question in the forums here and can’t seem to find anything. Google provides mixed results and all are about the US aside from one. Hypothetical situation: You and a friend are both new to the army. You both have just finished up at the base and it’s...