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Carrying non military issue knives

Thanks, Eye in the Sky. I'm definitely looking into it, I'm on my SEP for a year, though on my days off I'm still going back to my volunteer FF coverage area. I always like to have a decent sized blade on me for Wildlands fires. First thing I do with those knives is paint the handle orange though, just a random thought that I'm throwing out there for you guys.
Kat Stevens said:
I'm going to guess Tak-Ri is one of those oh so clever hybridizations of "tactical"  and "kukri".  I wouldn't buy it just on principle, lol.

There in lies the cool factor! Kukri's mean business.

I wonder if I could pull it off and keep the CSM off my back...
Well I finally narrowed it down to either the SOG Seal 2000 or the CRKT FTWS


As far as the Seal 2000, there's an older version which seems to have a wider blade and the newer version which is more sleeker.
I think I actually like the older version (top) better.



I like the CRKT personally. My everyday knife has always been a folding knife though. For the last few years I've been using a S&W HRT.

My wife's pocket knife is a little 'cuter' a Buck 285 Bantam BLW
I ended up picking up the SOG seal knife- I'll admit it's a hell of a lot bigger than I thought.  Probably too big to carry on ex, at least in the open :)

It's a beautiful knife though for sure. It's not as razor sharp as the seal pup seems to be but I figure that's due to the blade size and thickness or something, still extremely sharp.

I looked into a couple of others but just couldn't justify the price.

Chris Reeves Project 1  (Picture shown is project 1 and project 2)
These bad boys were discontinued so their former selling price of about $350 has jumped quite a bit. Found one for $500..


Some other ones which seemed like great blades, just a little out of my price range

Chris Reeves Green Beret.

Spartan Horkos and Harasy 2
(I like the flat dark earth colour of the blade with green handle)



Both spartan blades and the green beret are around the $350 mark.

Definitely out of my price range for a knife.  Really nice looking blades though, I still prefer a folding knife that I can keep in my pocket, out of sight, out of mind.  Well that and the Smith and Wesson cost me about $30 at a flea market.
Rogo said:
Buddy of mine got one of these (if memory serves) years back from a CF mbr family friend who picked this up at an American PX in Afghanistan...  Either way it's under 4inches and was a really nice knife if one ever has the desire for a nice locking blade.    http://www.crkt.com/M16-14-Desert-Big-Dog-Tan-Tanto-AutoLAWKS-Combo-Edge?&search_id=1073763

If the OP wants to get his friend a knife, I don't see why you'd need anything more than this.

Jim Seggie said:
This is the one knife I carry.

I have the double locking variant of this knife (M16-13DSFG) and it is truly a great tool.
Anyone looking for fairly cheap yet nice field knife might take a look at the Mora Clipper 840.  I have one in my outdoor gear for my neck knife, and for the price its a solid knife.  I'd say they are underpriced, but thats me.  I got mine for about $15 US off Ebay.  You can find them in black/red or black/green.

Sharp, decent grip, you can even do some (light) batoning with them (they are not true full tang but still durable).  Easy to touch up with a pocket sharpener. Search for 'em on Ebay and you'll find them.  The sheath isn't bad, all you really need is a ranger band to make sure it won't fall out and you're off to the races.

What do you mean by a ranger band? Just a rubber band or somthing similar?

I've got a mora razor knife for cable splicing... fantastic, much better and much more reasonably priced then the standard "klein" option (A bit bulkier, but I usually keep in clipped on to my tool bag vs belt) this is the very I've looked at any of their other knives.... do you regularly wear the plastic sheath on a belt???
a Sig Op said:
What do you mean by a ranger band? Just a rubber band or somthing similar?

I've got a mora razor knife for cable splicing... fantastic, much better and much more reasonably priced then the standard "klein" option (A bit bulkier, but I usually keep in clipped on to my tool bag vs belt) this is the very I've looked at any of their other knives.... do you regularly wear the plastic sheath on a belt???

WRT the ranger band, yeah, think of an old bicycle tire tube, cut into pieces.  Thats the cheapest way to get/make them, and you can cut various sizes.  I've seen them for sale on Ebay, but a trip/call to your local bike repair shop asking for a few of their tubes they are throwing out works just great.  Just soak or wash them to get the chaulk out.

Ref the wearing of the sheath, no I have mine in my SHTF stuff sack, on a length of 550 cord so I can wear it around my neck.  I thought it  sounded/looked dumb until I tried it, then I realized it was pretty nifty when stationary.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bL9Ft5pqTBU  I won't baton with it like the guy is in the vid, I have a Kabar BK2 for that if needed.  This video is actually the one I found that made me go buy the Clipper 840.  For $15 USD, its a steal IMO.
Is the Gerber Mk II still around?

What does a WWII Commando knife sell for these days?
Jim Seggie said:
Is the Gerber Mk II still around?

I carried one around for quite a while.  Mostly for my own morale/entertainment.  I grudgingly had to swap it out for something that had a little more utility value. I'm going to keep it sharpened and oiled and give it away as a gift or keep it for my daughter.
I hope i'am not going to far off topic here. But to the op, if your going to purchase a non military issue knife, just make sure you have things like a pen and paper with you on hand. I seen a few  sgt/wo lose their heads when they find a new troop with a knife to look cool, but do not have a simple pen and paper to write down orders.
fake penguin said:
I seen a few  sgt/wo lose their heads when they find a new troop with a knife to look cool, but do not have a simple pen and paper to write down orders.

memorize orders
ObedientiaZelum said:
I'm going to keep it sharpened and oiled and give it away as a gift or keep it for my daughter.

Well, she will start dating sooner or later so...  ;)
I met Besh in Newfoundland through a mutual friend's Xmas party a few years ago, he's a true salt of the earth guy. Those pieces are too expensive for the average Joe to use, abuse, and lose in the field, but as a novelty the PPCLI couldn't have picked a better person / knife to celebrate their 100th.