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  1. P

    Med Tech Civvie Work After Contract End

    lol i would expect such a tart response from a riders fan, ok thank you both for the quick responses  [mountie],  Im just wondering what military knowledge/ certifications are transferable to the  civilian world.  Ill check that link out mario, Thanks :) ps.  "Conforms with the rules of grammar"
  2. P

    Med Tech Civvie Work After Contract End

    Hey im currently a 24 year old, completing my PCP/ EMT-Advanced course here in Alberta, with about 2 months left im seriously considering pursing my dream of becoming an army medic.  I do have a history with the Army Reserves where I did quite well during training (commendations, top shot award...
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    Need Advice

  4. P

    Need Advice

    Im going down there today thank you so much for your help Otis :)
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    __Another kid hoping for some advice__

    Youll learn that you are whatever you make your self.  Take that opportunity to go to the RMC when your 25, successful, smart, and healthier than you ever imagined you will consider it the best move you've made in your life.  Just remember,  its the military,  its gona SUCK because they are...
  6. P

    Need Advice

    Hey guys and gals,  Looking for some professional advice here, I was in the reserves roughly 3-4 years ago while in high school and a bit beyond.  I initially signed up for the field ambulance, recieved my letter from DND stating I had been accepted to  field ambulance but upon arrival it...
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    Age Limits to Join

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    Age Limits to Join

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    Age Limits to Join

    sorry got put here by a mod not trying to thread hi jack :P
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    MP Educational Requirements, comments, questions and rants.

    I have a related question to, i hope this doesnt hi jack your post :P but I currently have a Emergency medical responder course, just completed my EMT/ PCP course and awaiting my marks w/ 2 years of Reserve Infantry Experience and about a year in Security exp.,  Will this be enough to topple the...
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    Medical Technician ( Med Tech )

    Thanks ModlrMike, I can never seem to get ahold of a Actuall Senior Med Tech recruiter whenever I go down there always infantry, but Ill go down there one day and ask again.  I reallllllllly hope so cause if I need Chem Ill have to start at chem 20 then get my 30 which could take.. well... to...
  12. P

    Medical Technician ( Med Tech )

    Quick question here :) When talking to the recruiter he said I need 2 sciences to become a Med Tech.  Now I only have Biology but im currently finishing up an Emergency Medical Technician course... aka Primary Care Paramedic course for my province of Alberta.    Can I suppliment my second...
  13. P

    Medical Technician ( Med Tech )

    Cool thanks for all the info guys n gals, i checked my recruiting center but the senior med tech was away  :camo:  Is it possible to become a Paramedic or Critical Care paramedic through the military?  and how long would that course take me?  Also if I join with my EMT how long will it take...
  14. P

    Medical Technician ( Med Tech )

    Hey guys! Im currently taking my EMT course which i believe is the equivalent of the BC Primary Care Paramedic, and im wondering what kind of bonuses or incentives the military offers?    I also used to be in the reserves about 2.5 years ago and I think i was JUST officialy released from my...