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Medical Technician ( Med Tech )

Hey guys!

Im currently taking my EMT course which i believe is the equivalent of the BC Primary Care Paramedic, and im wondering what kind of bonuses or incentives the military offers?    I also used to be in the reserves about 2.5 years ago and I think i was JUST officialy released from my infantry unit, I did get fully BIQ trained, will I have to run through basic and sq all over again?  SQ's no biggie but sending me to basic again would be a gross waste of tax payer dollars :D haha.     

I also have my first baby on the way, what would the life of a reg force Med Tech be like for someone in my position?  I imagine it will be very hard on the family untill I am fully trained and stationed somewhere.  Will I get to spend nights home with my wife and new born or will i always be on tasking somwhere? 

LAST question, as an EMT or PCP joining the military will it be possible for the to train me to the level of Adv. Care Paramedic or simply Paramedic as its called here in alberta, and whats the timeline of me getting on a Med EVAC course?

Thanks for the help guys n gals!
That's alot of questions. 

For the medical end, visit the Health Services board and read through the QL3 thread.
That should answer an number of these for you.
probi said:
Im currently taking my EMT course which i believe is the equivalent of the BC Primary Care Paramedic,

This is the PCP Jurisdictional Comparison:

This shows Paramedic skill sets:

Go into your nearest Recruiting Centre. They will have the list of accepted courses and colleges as well as what (if any) incentives or recruiting allowances you'd be intitiled to.
Hello all,

I have searched the best my computer skills allowed me and still need some questions answered(or guided to the page where they are answered!!)

So here it goes. say you have finished your BMQ and SQ and have returned from The JIBC and posted to a base for your on the job training...lets say CFB Petawawa.  How does a typical newbie med tech spend their days? What hours do they work?  Do they respond to emergencys on base and prepare the patients for transport to hopsital by a municiple service if need be?  I would love to be further educated on what the trade does on base..  Thanks for your patience and replys.
Sierrafire said:
How does a typical newbie med tech spend their days? What hours do they work?  Do they respond to emergencys on base and prepare the patients for transport to hopsital by a municiple service if need be?  I would love to be further educated on what the trade does on base..  Thanks for your patience and replys.

They do nothing of the sort. On base, you may work in a CDU doing sick parade and patient care, and coverages of ranges and excercises. You will not be working as a "paramedic" (how insulting to real Medics) unless there is some sort of aid to civil power mission, which is the exception than the rule. Med Techs do thier best work out with the troops, usually overseas, on the seas or in the field. Most days are spent training, prepping supplys and getting ready to go places and do things.

Not every day is filled with adventure; but the ones that are, you will be glad you paid attention during the boring times.

more from others.
What SFB said - not alot of running around in ambulances these days.  Maybe in Gagetown once in awhile out in the Trg area, otherwise it's mainly in garrison care, training, maintenance or exercises.

If you want cool ambualnce calls, you'd have to wait until you're doing MCSP on car or do some moonlighting (if you're actually around long enough to).

Cool thanks for all the info guys n gals, i checked my recruiting center but the senior med tech was away  :camo:  Is it possible to become a Paramedic or Critical Care paramedic through the military?  and how long would that course take me?  Also if I join with my EMT how long will it take untill I get over seas?  Haha one more question, does anyone know the starting annual salary of a qualified medic?
probi said:
Is it possible to become a Paramedic or Critical Care paramedic through the military? 

You may find this Government of Canada news release regarding "labour mobility" in Paramedicine of interest.
It just came out about a week or so ago:

"While most Canadians can now benefit from full labour mobility, there are a small number of professions for which additional requirements are needed when moving to another province and/or territory."

Paramedicine is one of those "small number of professions".

The Government of Canada is giving a "big push" to change this. But, it will not happen without a self regulatory framework which provides standardization of training, certification level and licensure. This is one of the key benefits of licensure through a college - portability of the profession.

Your post says you are training as an EMT in Alberta:

Critical Care Paramedic ( CCP ) is not a Direct Entry position:
In addition to Level III training, CCP requires an additional 1,142 hours of training and 240 hours of preceptorship.

In the future, CCP will likely be contracted out:

To these people:
"Ornge offers the only Critical Care Paramedic program in Canada that has been accredited by the Canadian Medical Association"

( That is how they spell it: Ornge ).

Quick question here :) When talking to the recruiter he said I need 2 sciences to become a Med Tech.  Now I only have Biology but im currently finishing up an Emergency Medical Technician course... aka Primary Care Paramedic course for my province of Alberta.    Can I suppliment my second needed science with say Math 30P or does it simply have to be chemistry?

Unlikely, but I'm not a recruiter. The entry requirements call for 2 sciences, not one science and one math. That being said, there's no harm in applying. The worst that will happen is that you have to take the chemistry course anyhow, which you can probably do in short order at summer/night school. Your PCP may, and I stress may get you accepted without the formal requirements. Talk to a recruiter.
Thanks ModlrMike, I can never seem to get ahold of a Actuall Senior Med Tech recruiter whenever I go down there always infantry, but Ill go down there one day and ask again.  I reallllllllly hope so cause if I need Chem Ill have to start at chem 20 then get my 30 which could take.. well... to long,  unless theyll let me do it as there doing my security clearance.
A recruiter, regardless of trade, is supposed to be able to answer your enrollment questions.  If not, I'm sure they will find someone who can.
This is the trade that I am currently applying for, and have spent the last 7 months taking Grade 12 Biology (which I had my final exam for today actually) and Grade 12 Chemistry (which I finished last October).. so I submit my application on Monday (when I get my final transcript)..

From what the cfrc told me, the reason the 2 sciences are required for enrollment in the CF, is because those same 2 sciences are required for the civilian college counterparts.. the requirements are the same because it is the standard set by the Ontario paramedic association (but apparently these vary from province to province, so this may just be here in Ontario).. best to double check but what I was told makes sense as to why Grade 12 chem/bio are the pre-req's for the CF..
I just got my employment offer for Med Tech on Monday and I had to spend the last few months in school to get some science credits to get in . I don't know if the prerequesites are different from one province to another, but in Qc you need credits in Biology, AND credits in Chemestry OR Physics...
Well the good news is that if you finish the college course and it is from a recognized institution the requirements for the High School credits becomes a mute point. If you complete the course in college you are good to go for entry standards for MED Tech. What school are you taking the program at?
I am a recruiter in Ontario and if you have a PCP course you are able to apply. I just looked a my paper work for MED Tech and your program is recognized just not sure about the school you are attending.
I know the forces.ca site says high school math and science but can anyone tell me what the actual courses and or grades are required to make med tech for the reserves? just pondering my options before my interview? :cdn:
From the Forces website:

Medical Technicians must have completed high school with biology and chemistry credits

I would hazard a guess and say Grade 12.
Yes, it is grade 12 biology and chemistry.  Math is not required.
cn said:
Math is not required.

Although, it certainly won't hurt.  Particularly formulas.  Comes in handy when figuring out IV meds.  :nod: