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  1. Ravanosh

    Spiritual Issues

    I believe I have one final method of illustrating my point. A question: What existed prior to the beginning of time as we know it, and the creation of the universe as we understand it? If one replies by saying "nothing", then the implication is that "something came from nothing", a statement...
  2. Ravanosh

    Spiritual Issues

    The risk: You believe that there is nothing after life ends, so that is the what you end up with - nothing. You cease to exist because that is what you believe should happen.
  3. Ravanosh

    Spiritual Issues

    Good link 48th regulator, that video addresses some of the fundamental flaws in Christianity (namely that a partial and petty God could exist). Something I would like to put forward for consideration: if our beliefs determine our afterlife, and you believe that no afterlife exists, might you...
  4. Ravanosh

    Spiritual Issues

    I did no such thing! There is a huge difference between establishing the concept of atheism as a philosophy and accusing atheists of leading empty lives... your jumping to conclusions and missing my point. If you look at my posts you will see that I have never claimed to believe in any "one...
  5. Ravanosh

    Attrition Rates within the Infantry

    I meant that NCM's have more public sector qualifications and the knowledge that comes along with that. This may not be applicable to the arts of war directly. My point is that young soldiers have opportunities outside of the CF that are drawing them away, as they find suitable work in their...
  6. Ravanosh

    Spiritual Issues

    I'll do my best, but short of repeating myself (which would necessitate reiterating my "dehydrated" tone) I am at a loss. I have been trying to filter emotion from my posts to avoid conflicts. This may be the dehydrating factor  ;D My intention is simply to engage in philosophical discusion...
  7. Ravanosh

    Attrition Rates within the Infantry

    Alright, here's a few practical ideas that might help improve retention: a) Implement a regular "speak-freely" hour, where soldiers can express their concerns and offer solutions to their commanders as equals. Ideas for new approaches to training, improving efficiency and use of time, etc...
  8. Ravanosh

    Spiritual Issues

    Atheism DOES imply that life has no meaning beyond what we as humans assign to it... because you chose to assign your life a great purpose dose not mean your fellow atheists will follow suit. I am talking about the concept of atheism as a philosophy *in and of itself*.
  9. Ravanosh

    Spiritual Issues

    This is based on your personal code of ethics and has nothing to do with the concept of atheism in and of itself. Atheism implies that life has no meaning beyond what we as humans assign to it (I have modified my earlier post to clarify this). That you have assigned your life such a commendable...
  10. Ravanosh

    Spiritual Issues

    Thanks for those links Mariomike. I was having difficulty finding Chaplaincy threads with the forum search, and the two you referenced are very comprehensive. A post that stood out in one of those threads included this quote:  "I think on the whole people get into this profession (chaplain)...
  11. Ravanosh

    Spiritual Issues

    Religious grounds have served as reasoning for a great deal of warfare throughout history, this is true. Our troubles in the middle-east are partly an extension of that fact. Keep in mind however that religion is often manipulated by those "fighting for it" in order to serve their own purposes...
  12. Ravanosh

    Attrition Rates within the Infantry

    After reading through the thread I was left with a sense of discontent on the part of the posters, both with the system itself and with the CoC. Having had the opportunity to speak with family members who survived both World Wars (I have many that did not) I am left to wonder if they would...
  13. Ravanosh

    Spiritual Issues

    In retrospect, I agree that my tone and wording are indicative of a close-minded spiritual viewpoint. However, my intent was to elaborate upon the reasons for my convictions in as complete a fashion as possible. My hope was that I could instill interest in the fields of theology and metaphysics...
  14. Ravanosh

    Attrition Rates within the Infantry

    This thread provides quite an in-depth view on Army life at the lower levels. Has the working environment improved for Infantry recruits in more recent years? I had heard mention of efforts being put towards retention, but part of the problem may be the backlog of applicants for Combat Arms...
  15. Ravanosh

    New Army.ca Game (HEADLINES)

    I wonder what headlines this will inspire...  :moose:
  16. Ravanosh

    Your Beer Brand of Choice

    I always go for Big Rock's beers, they're a local craft brewery here in Alberta. Traditional and McNally's Extra (a 7%) are great for fans of a darker brew. For imports, I especially enjoy Innis and Gunn (a unique oak-aged beer) Żywiec, and most Czech brews.
  17. Ravanosh

    What are you listening to/fav type of music

    Always been a big fan of TOOL (I'm a drummer so I respect Danny Carey's skill) and Dead Can Dance (also a very percussion oriented band). TOOL played in Edmonton last night. Unfortunately the ticket prices were too high ($150 each for floor) so I didn't get to see them. I've been to two of...
  18. Ravanosh

    Hearing Conservation

    Nothing wrong with conventional earplugs, they fulfill their purpose. The reason the QuietPro is superior is that it enhances hearing for lower noise levels, while blocking damaging noise levels. In other words you won't miss an order, and you won't risk your hearing either. Anything that...
  19. Ravanosh

    Spiritual Issues

    Near-death as in Out-of-Body. I'm not saying many on this forum have not had these experiences, I was merely pointing out that they were helpful in reinforcing my conclusions on the nature of reality and spirituality in particular. Also before this thread disappears into the mix, I would like...
  20. Ravanosh

    Hearing Conservation

    Does anyone know if a more advanced protective system like the QuietPro is available to the CF as of yet, or if it will be in the near future? http://www.marinecorpstimes.com/news/2008/03/marine_hearing_030108/ From what information I have found, it doesn't seem like this tech is fielded to...