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  1. nicolka

    Waiting list.

    I don't think anyone would know the answer to that question until April 1st so you will just have to wait and see like the rest of us. Patience is a virtue! 
  2. nicolka

    A 36 years youngwoman and going for it

    Ugh I'm the same with the lack of sleep so I hope someone can answer this....
  3. nicolka

    Lodging on the base?

    I would assume that it's different for each provice as the cost of living varies province to province
  4. nicolka

    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    I'm sure everything you need to know is in the threads you just have to look  :P
  5. nicolka

    Public Affairs...Advice Needed

    What situation is that? Also, would they choose someone who meets all of the requirements but is not in the CF or someone that doesn't have all of the requirements but is in the CF? Are there any expected positions to open up in April even if they are in the green now?
  6. nicolka

    Public Affairs...Advice Needed

    They have not really been all that clear...basically just to apply in April if the position opens and that it could take years to transfer over if I do choose another trade.
  7. nicolka

    Public Affairs...Advice Needed

    Hello all, Come April 2011 I'm reapplying as a DEO for Public Affairs...the thing is I'm wondering if it's even worth it for me to do all of the things that I've been doing just to look like a desirable candidate when all that I've been hearing from people already in the CF is that they only...
  8. nicolka

    Civilian Medical Records

    Yeah I suppose that is the only thing that can be done...and if it's meant to be.... Thanks for the responses
  9. nicolka

    Civilian Medical Records

    I have looked at the link a few times and my question is still unanswered...In the medical history what specific questions are asked? I'm worried about it becasue 3 years ago(by the time my position opens up it will be 4 years) I entered a program for eating issues and since completing the...