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  1. T

    Competition List Questions (formally called Merit List) [MERGED]

    Welcome to the joke of a process know as Canadian Forces Recruiting.
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    April 2012

    I'll give in on this one but only because I don't want to get banned.  :)  Good day.
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    April 2012

    So do Police Forces, CBSA, etc but they see a PAL as an asset. I realize I'm speaking with people who know a lot more than I do and that I'm wrong but it still doesn't make much sense to me.
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    April 2012

    Wow, I never thought I'd get such a bad response for trying to offer some advice. A family member who is in the CF advised me to take these steps and I'm merely sharing what I've been told. You guys are right though, having extra experience when it comes to safely handling firearms is useless. 
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    Going in person sounds like the best bet for now but it is a very long process that I doubt you'll get through without making a few (dozen for me) phone calls. As far as advice for that, remind yourself that no matter how stupid you sound there will never be a note put on your file "sounded...
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    April 2012

    Basically they want to see that you're constantly trying to improve. Some things might help: 1. Firearms Possession and Acquisition License - In one weekend you can earn a license to buy restricted (handguns) and unrestricted firearms (long guns). The course stresses safe handling of firearms...
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    There are many ways to avoid the phone. As suggested, you can go in person or there is also a chat feature somewhere out there. More important, if you're too afraid to make a phone call are you really ready for life and death situations?
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    BMOQ - September 2011

    That's most frustrating part of being on the merit list. For every course I'm not selected for there are a dozen jokers who waste everyone's time and money.
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    BMQ - January 2012 [Merged]

    Congrats clarkyo, good things come to those who wait. I can't wait to get 'the call', hopefully for the upcoming course. 
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    File expiry after one year?

    Thanks for the reply, that makes sense I suppose, I just hope I get picked up before then.
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    File expiry after one year?

    Hello everyone, I'll apologize in advance if this question has already been answered but I ran a search and couldn't find the information I was looking for. I started my process in January and am on the merit list for Infantry Officer where I have been waiting patiently. Early on in the...
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    BMQ - January 2012 [Merged]

    Congrats. Very good news to hear they're running another course. I'm also on the merit list for Infantry Officer and hope to get picked up.